Oh my god... Is this page some sort of joke about how to 'impress' people with your incredibly bad English and blatantly obvious scams? I am currently learning Deutsch and am not doing too great at it. Fortunately I have enough sense not to post a pidgin Deutsch message up on some message board trying to get an employer to do all the work for me. I'm lame enough putting this message up anyway.
Seriously, if you can understand this message, remember this: no-one is going to give you money for your crappy Nigerian oil derrick and no-one is going to employ a self confessed Spanish-American experimental Lawyer/Doctor all in one service who can perform gigolo work on the side. Especially not if you finish your post with "I eagerly awaiting you generous reply, kindly seeking return for advice, yours meagerly, Akimbo Awatinate" or some other similar pap. ahh, why have I even bothered . . .Idiot 04 août 2009, 10:08 - Signaler un abus
Jobs in Berlin
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- job and accomodation search
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