Looking for Job as a lecturer in Sociology

  • Hallo...
    I am GRACE JOHNSON, I have knowledge and skills as a Master of Philosophy in Sociology(M.Phil), Specialization-Industrial Sociology. I have 6 years total experiences in the field of teaching in C.B.S.C. School, 1st year B Sc Nursing College and Worked in Saudi Arabia. From Pre-degree, B.A, M.A & Mphil, Sociology is my main subject.
    I would like to work in USA or UK as a lecturer in Sociology and in same college i want to do part-time PhD also. Can you give me guide line regarding this matter.

    Thanking you,

    Yours Faithfully,


    Mail adress:- [email removed]

    Grace Johnson 03 août 2008, 07:40 - Signaler un abus
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