germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 mars 2007, 02:10 new york man
and sry for my miserable english....
alexander 26 mai 2008, 05:13 - Signaler un abus -
germany sucks
It full of ragheads
ade 27 mai 2008, 03:08 - Signaler un abus -
US women are really fat slobs
yes i really mean it, face it f***in yank.
Gringo Poncho 27 mai 2008, 11:16 - Signaler un abus -
pathetic germany defendors
seriously i lived in germany, even in big cities like berlin and munich for the past few years, and i find it awful here. i'm not going to say that united states is the best thing in the world either, but at least it has a sense of pride, americans are proud of being who they are, that at least is respectable. germans however seem to be continuously screaming "define me define me, love me!" with their sad lack of fashion sense, and their bad copies of everything american. they bitch about reality tv in the u.s., and then here all there is on german tv is pathetic shows about other germans. this country is sad. very sad. and if you defend it, its because you don't anything better, so save your patronizing.
luvlicious 28 mai 2008, 10:19 - Signaler un abus -
Hi Yanks
I speak both Languages but am English and work as a tour guide in the UK.
If I take an American to my home which is 270 years old and has thatched roof he will be over the moon for joy. He will see the history in it, feel the heritage of it and will extoll it to the moon. Often in an over enthusiastic but likable way he will say, 'Hey Duuude, this place F'ing amaaaazing. I love it I want to buy it.' When I see him off at the airport there will be another round of praise in general about the country and he will shove a huge big tip into my hand and promise to send the rest of USA to be guided by me. I know a lot of it is just gush but at least we both came away from the experience friends.
When a German walks into my home and there have been just as many as there have been Yanks, he typically begins to compare the quality of my house with his.(which is normally an appartment and built since the end of the war). He says things like, Dieses und Jenes Kommt nich nach deutschen Vorschriften ( this and that is not compatible with German standards) or Bei uns in Deutschland wird es so gemaacht ( At home in Germany we do it like this). Normally its a reference to my hundred year old windows, the heavy curtains, the narrowness of the road through the village, the bad food in the towns, the fat girls everywhere, the uneven garden with too many flowers and of course some of our cities and towns are dirty.
I have to add, dear American friends, that contrary to what you may think about your experience having something to do with a language barrier, that in fact if they know you can speak German they get a whole lot ruder about everybody and everything they don't understand or feel threantened by. German standards today were forged through tyranny i.e you don't need consensus to bulldoze straight roads through a village when Attila, Bismark, Hitler or Honekar is your Daddy and of course in a 600 hundred year old democracy with the Magna Carta (first human rights document)you do. After so many devasting conflicts Germany invariably gets a new chance to rebuilt everything from Scratch. And therein lies the nub of the problem. There country is somehow devoid of character that you would find in the UK, France or Italy and paradoxically for a country that is as new and modern as the states in many ways, has failed to find the laters rythem and vibrancy.
Just in case there are any Germans reading this; remember the next time you accuse other nations of dirty streets I sugest you take one long hard look at your graffity covered walls the worst in the world, the dog pooh on the pavements, second only to France and there is a fair share of normal litter around and about too. You see when all you do is harp on about how wonderful you are, people will travel to your place to find out if its true and too their dismay they will see that you trains get delayed too!! Another thing American and Brits write about our problems at length (very boring I know) but you guys gloss over yours or simply report on the problems of other countries by translating articles directly from the foreign press. i.e no actual research of you own.
About German Women: Most tourists go to Tourist Towns which are more often than not University towns with a high number of young pretty girls.
Cambridge and Oxford as I am sure Harvard and Yale do, has many lovely ladies.
Oh! and one fact: The UK only overtook Germany last year as Europe's most obese nation. But then 17 mil. have starved Eastern Germans reduced their average somewhat!
Enough of the rant. Dear Yanky vistors to Germany go and enjoy as you always do your time abroad. I reccommend Dresden, Freiburg in Breisigau, Scherin and Heidleburg. Drink the lager and the Schnitzel and bauernfruestueck is great filler. Don't learn German and don't let them get you down. They secretly yearn for Tyranny and you want liberty. We will never understand them and nor them us.
Fair ye wellBlimey 29 mai 2008, 04:54 - Signaler un abus -
delete my postings, ok.
but nothing ändert sich daran, you redet soviel shit dass ist unbelievable.
"...and their bad copies of everything american."
are you serious? we kopieren american things? dass ich nicht lache rede nicht so einen blödsin.
germany is so f***ed up, yeah deshalb kauft ihr auch seit jahren our technoligie.
achja "i reccommend dresden, freiburg in breisigau, schwerin and heidelberg..."
if you go to the f***edup citys here dont wonder thats all shit.
"they secretly yearn for tyranny and you want liberty. we will never understand them and nor them us."
oh yeah america is full of liberty hahaha, every f***ing taliban has more freiheit than ihr fettärschigen, eingebildeten, dummen wichsern, die sich jeden tag einen auf ihre fahne runterholen. was habt ihr denn ausser nem f***ing dickhead named bush and die strassen voll mit waffen und polizeigewalt.
f*** off america, but youll get your bill, look at your dollar. in 3 years i came to the us an pay for a $1.000.000 house 10000 €....
what is america without oil and war? a f***edup land of f***ing europeans nobody wants here that killing each other.
hellyeah, pray to your f***ing god, but it will not save your land from the devil.alexander der grosse 30 mai 2008, 12:33 - Signaler un abus -
oh ja
if you want fun in germany go to: hamburg(street full of bitches, legal), frankfurt(you strong enough to handle?), münchen(you got enough money?, mannheim(yeah, f***ing streets like in new york), berlin(art, design, bought some pair of designer jeans >800€, hannover(visit the ex-expo), stuttgart(just chill), flensburg(come and tell me the same shit that you do here).
A. d. G. 30 mai 2008, 12:43 - Signaler un abus -
Explore the East!!!
Especially Dresden, Leipzig, Magdeburg etc. etc. are places to visit! Full of history and beauty!
Don't believe in this "the East is bad" propaganda of the ones who don't know the Cold War is over!
There is no more racism or fascism than in any other country of the world!DDR-Bürger 31 mai 2008, 03:08 - Signaler un abus -
Johnny 01 juin 2008, 04:25 - Signaler un abus -
Some genuine tips/hints
As a 35-year-old German female who has lived in the USA and in several cities within Germany, I would like to give you some hints, with no irony/sarcasm/US-bashing/racism/nationalism.
First: Often, it depends on where you are in Germany. Originally, I am from the federal state of Northrhine-Westphalia, about 100 km away from Cologne, and generally, the people there are very open and very friendly. You can go into a pub on your own and start talking to strangers and have a nice evening. On the other hand, when I studied in Mannheim, I experienced the natives there to be very narrow-minded and inapproachable - not to mention their dialect... Even the politeness was different there. I have been raised to hold open doors for others, but in this area, people did not pay any attention to anybody else.
In small villages, people are not used to foreigners, so they might seem reserved to you. In big towns, especially young people are eager to meet foreigners because they think it's "cool" to be acquainted with foreigners.
Of course, the impression you get depends on your people's mentality. If you come from the Mediterranean or South America, you will most probably think that Germans are "cold as fish."
For US-Americans, one tip: Please keep in mind that Germans are straightforward. We do not like the typical American dialogue "How are you?" - "Fiiiine!!!". If we do not feel well, we say so. For me, I really want to know how the other person is, and I expect an honest answer. This is because I am genuinely interested in the other person. If I don't know the other (like a salesperson), I will not ask "How are you?" because if they give a negative answer, this would force me to inquire further, and this would not make any sense with somebody I don't know.
So, in essence, US-Americans try to create a positive atmosphere, which Germans interpret as "being superficial."
In general, I like my country. I am not proud of being German, because it was not my decision to be born German, and because such a sentence is used by Neo-Nazis, which I hate. I see that there is a lot wrong with my home country, but often these are things I cannot really change. Nowadays, especially German youth is really terrible. No education, loud, alcoholics, ignorant, impolite, no respect towards others, aggressive. It has become quite bad within the past 10, 15 years.
Furthermore, Germans love to set up rules for everything. This can be really tiresome, and you might become aggressive about some of the rules. On the other hand, I also see the good about it: Every contract is signed, you can rely on the content, each party knows what to expect. For foreigners, I can imagine it to be very difficult, because there might be some loopholes (e.g. rental agreements) you don't know about, and in the end you are f*cked. As a German, I can say that I feel ashamed for my fellow countrymen if they take foreigners to the cleaners. Please, dear foreigners: Try to develop some initiative, get information off the internet, ask German colleagues to support you. I am sure they will be willing to help.
Final thought: To be honest, this is not the country I grew up in anymore. I am not sure if I want to raise my children in Germany, unless I can afford sending them to a private school... Nevertheless, I am aware that in every country there are bad things, and I do not want to leave my home without trying to change something!dortmund4ever 03 juin 2008, 03:10 - Signaler un abus -
Ok guys, you need to calm the hell down seriously. Germany is not a bad countr, and the people are not depressed, becasue if they were then there would be a massive suicide rate there.
ben 07 juin 2008, 12:01 - Signaler un abus -
Germany is terrible
We moved over here when i was 4. Im half american and half german. Its been 14 years here now and i cant express how much i hate it here.
Im finally old enough to move away and will be moving back to the states in november.
Germans are mean
Germans are rude
German TV is the most terrible shit ever.
countless sports channels and every single one doesnt have any other sport than soccer, 24/7.
if theres no game going on at the moment they show repeats from 20 years ago. Germany made me hate soccer.
German pork is only ok, but generally all food is beyond acceptable.
For the last 3 years we've had reports of germans selling rotten meat all over germany to save money, and no real action is taken against it.
There are countless stupid laws here, even though its noce to drink when only 18 =P.
All people here are uptight. Throughout school and lateron ive seen germans and foreigners mixed in the classes. And all germans(ALL) were instinctively rassist against the others.
Many hate American because they dont follow the pollution ideals germany follows. but i'd rather pollute the environment a bit more than sell my soul to this uptight regiment.
As said before, there is actually a party that people can legally vote for which consists only of neo nazi's who have the same idea of hitler. they had people on tv saying that their biggest role-model was hitles himself.
Taxes here are unbelieveably terrible.52 cents from every euro is taxed away. You get LESS then HALF of what you earn.
Now to something i have to say to my fellow americans. be happy about your fuel prices. The other day i compared the us and the german fuel prices and they turned out to be more than 3 times as expensive in germany. And im not lying about that. Of course there are a couple people in germany that are ok, but finding those is really like winning in the lottery. All germans who were good and i liked strengely couldnt stand the country either and couldnt wait to leave.
My friends consists mainly of russians and brits living over here because they as i myself dont like germans.
All germans are really snobbish and mean, i have to say again. noone will greet you on the street or anywhere... even if you make eye contact and greet them first.
WHat pisses me off most is what germans think of themselves. " We have the best cars, the best beer the best electronics the best pluming the best car mecanics the best sool-degrees, the best people" Ive heard every single one of those claims several times in my life before and they never failed to set me into a rage.
Germans really and undoubtedly thing that they are the best people in the best country.
Buildings here are old and crappy. People say that they are monuments or places of great memories but they dont even restore them. And those that they restore, they do so poorly that noone has any intrest in them afterwards.
Germany is a country of farmers, if you like it or not. And most look worse than any trailor trash in the states.
To the issue of bald ppl here... I dunno where it came from but its true. there are tons. Women acome in strange varieties. 99.999 % look so terrible that you rather look at a pile of bullshit, and the other 0.001 % are the exact opposite. but those are past rare.
Guys look as bad or worse anyhow.
Clothing styles are retarded here, and teenagers are idiots without own brains. They follow the perfect stereotype of radical teenagers that hate their parents.
Ahh and to something i love about the states and hate about germany. Comedy. There are many comedy shows in germany but they are just comedy shows because they are labeled "comedy" but its just people who can make weird faces and look like they have no brains. Also the topics are more then idiotic. Stand-up comedians here are rare, but those that exist are terrible, spare one that once in a while says something funny.
But go to the states and put on Comedy Central. Instantly youll have a selection of thousands of brilliant comedy shows and stand-up comedians. ALso the german comedy mostly revolves about them beeing raccist.
Lastly the language. Its incredible hard to learn and it has more rules than any other language i know.
Lastly nr.2(i kepp remembering stuff xD) the movies here are always terrible. They never have a good topic.German movies are mostly full of characters who are told to act gay( i dont care if you are gay. I have nothing against gay ppl, but they rly do this here), also most are old fashioned, old farmers.
Music here is terrible.there are songs like:" finger im poo, mexico" which translates into: "finger in your ass, mexico". They do that because it rhymes and everytime ppl laugh about it. only germans of course. Foreigners have humors.
Also there are tond of songs that are about soccer.
AHH then then the commercials we have. They last 15-20 minutes on the television and appear every 20 min of watching tv.
And usually those are to 70% about soccer.
Im sure i could come up with more but i think ive said enough.
Im not ignorant since i lived most of my life hereand now i can say withoubt any doubt in my mind that i hate germany to death.
I really dont reccomend germany to any tourists, but if yo dont belioebve me move there and live there for several year(at least 5 years) then we will talk again. If you experienced niceness on trips to germany, you either werent in germany or you look very german, so they didnt notice that you arent german.
Thats all for me. America Rocks. Seeya later. OutRandoh 08 juin 2008, 09:31 - Signaler un abus -
yep pretty much sucks
Im a american soldier living in germany.....and germans are evil hateful people!
Drunk soccer playing nazi bitches!Dale 10 juin 2008, 08:09 - Signaler un abus -
Amerikanische Wichser!
Dieses Hirnlose Bauernvolk aus Amerika hat es nicht verdient, dass wir uns auch noch auf Ihre beschissene Sprache einlassen.
Diese Idioten die meinen, in Deutschland rennen immer noch 50% Adolf Anhänger rum, werden sowieso nie denn Sinn einer Diskussion verstehen.
Wenn man keine Ahnung hat einfach mal Fresse halten..aber dann wären ja 90% aller Amis stumm!
Fette, hirnlose, übertreibende, hässliche, dumme Bauern die den ganzen Tag Talkshows gucken und Burger fressen damit Sie noch hässlicher werden.
Und nochmal für euch: STUPID ASSHOLES!! ( das wird sowieso das einzigste sein das Ihr kapiert ihr Wichser)Fucking America! 13 juin 2008, 08:14 - Signaler un abus -
im prinzip lag mir das gleiche auf der zunge.
alex 14 juin 2008, 08:41 - Signaler un abus -
Views of a foreigner in Germany - IT REALY REALY SUCK
First of all I apologise for may spelling, english isn't my first language.
I've just stumbled over this comments here. It realy depends on where you go. I am not german myself and have lived in eastern Gemay for one yer . It is really a scary place , peaple are realy realy sick there, and the only conversation topic you will here are ...foreigners .."Ausländer". They are to blame for everything . Then I lived in south Germany , people there are even more terrible, i do not know why but i have had only bad experiences there, they are really the most rude , racist and ignorant people i have seen so far, and rrealy realy mean peolpe, sorry, i don'n want to insult all that nice Gemans that i met , but the majority is like that. IT IS A NIGNTMARE LIVING THERE. They stare at you permanently. See for yourself if you don'n belive me. They all look the same, they realy have no personality. If you dress yourself diferentt hen the average (99,9%) you will be in big trouble.
Then I moved to north Germany (Hamburg) and people here are waaaaaaaaaaaaay more friendly then in any city i have ever been in Germany. I love Hamburg, (it is not Germany). To put it all together, i will be leaving this TERRIBLE country pretty soon.A stranger in Germany 18 juin 2008, 11:39 - Signaler un abus -
@Americanischer wichser
amerikanischer wichser means american f***er .
that german guy who wrote that is a ....... suck
someone that loves the US 19 juin 2008, 12:14 - Signaler un abus -
@ Randoh - some questions and comments
Hello Randoh,
I have just read what you have written, and I was amused and frustrated at the same time...
Have you read my previous comment?
First of all, I wonder where you live, that you complain about Germans being mean and rude. I can only repeat myself: I have experienced impoliteness myself in some parts of Germany and felt offended. If you mean our straightforward nature, not beating about the bush, then my comment is: I am working with an Asian company, and this is the total opposite - you never receive a clear answer, people do not stick to what you have agreed on, and negotiations take for ever. Maybe you should try that for a change! Get a job in Asia!
But of course, judging from your description, you are 18 years old. I cannot imagine you have joined the workforce yet - otherwise you would get the facts straight... Who told you about 52% income tax? Hello? Nobody would work in that case! I am in the most expensive tax class, and my salary is quite high, and the total of income tax and social security (you know, that exists as well) is 44%. And when I do my income tax declaration, I get quite some money refunded.
Well, when I was your age, I didn't know these things either. But at least I did not complain about them.
Some more comments:
Countless sports channels? - I have cable, and I only count 2 (out of 36 or something.)
We Germans think we are the best, e.g. electronics? What? We have long since realised that nations like Japan, South Korea etc. overtook us in this field! And cars? - To be honest, I only care about the price and the consumption, so I would never buy a German car myself...
The buildings are old and crappy? Again: Where the hell do you live? For your information: "Old" is mostly a synonym for "historic". Have you been to places like Dresden, Hamburg, Muenchen etc.? And have you been to London, or Athens, or Rome? Well, you apparently are one of the young people who cannot appreciate historical architecture - maybe you have to get older to do so.
We are a country of farmers? Hello? The number of farmers has decreased immensely compared to the 1800s. Nobody wants to be a farmer today. France is a large agricultural society, compared to us! Because of Germany's scarce natural resources, education, know-how and technology were our main assets. This is the heritage we are still living on.
The language is the most difficult one you know? So? Isn't that a challenge? And which other languages do you know? I learned Latin at school, and German is similar to Latin (grammar etc.) - and Asian languages are much more difficult than German!
German music is crap? Well, the example you gave is like the most terrible thing there is, and I despise that as well. On the other hand, why haven't you mentioned any of our good music?
I could go on for ages, but I don't think I will be able to make you see. Nevertheless, I would strongly recommend you to GROW UP AND STOP WHINING! Sure, the grass is always greener on the other side, but I have lived in the U.S., and I know of the advantages and disadvantages, and I would not want to spend the rest of my life there, but that is my personal opinion.
You sound like the typical "angry young man" who does not know where he belongs, for some reason. Please open your eyes, start thinking for yourself, and try to get a nice, sensible German girlfriend, not one of the "Tussis" you have probably tried to land with.
(Sorry, I did not want to become personal, as I don't know you, but this is what you provoke with your comments.)Dortmund4ever 19 juin 2008, 09:17 - Signaler un abus -
Finally words
Okay I know that my message comes very late but i want to say to the end some last friendly words which make the realationship between americans and germans bether and destroy prejudice.(I'm a german so my english is not perfect but i hope you can read and understand everything) It wasn't okay from some germans to say such angry and bad things in this discussion and the same I want to say to the english persons. I was really disapointed that we can't talk with respect to each other. It's always the wrong way to make somebody feel bad.
Okay you don't like germany, thats okay there are much thing I don't like too. But it's unfriendly to say every german sucks.I'm from germany and I'm a very friendly person. I don't decide between amercian, french, spain...
I meet a lot of people from different countries and I like to talk to them. When I was in england i was really shocked there so much people which were very unfriendly to us becouse we are germans and friens of me were hurt with stones. But I don't say england is a shit country, this year i visit england again. Look closer before you say something. And some word to the germans:
Also echt mal ihr seid auch nicht besser als die anderen die hier deutschland und die deutschen beleidigen, ihr macht es doch eigentlich genauso. Man kann probleme auch lösen ohne andere zu verletzen.Isa 24 juin 2008, 04:48 - Signaler un abus -
This indeed concerns you.
Military Wife In Germany 24 juin 2008, 05:28 - Signaler un abus -
Everybody in the worlds hates Germany but I hate everybody in the world. I am proud to belong that great nation. We don't need to be friend with other nations. Without Germany, you still would ride on horses, wouldn't know about a PC and a lot of great inventions come from Germany.
Proud2bKraut 27 juin 2008, 12:27 - Signaler un abus -
I'm just too tired of reading all these postings, to write down what im actually thinking and feeling after this horror-show. I am a 29 years old german from western Germany. I was raised by a loving and caring Mother, who brought us through hard times. And by my grandfather, who taught me to honour live and how to repair my bicycle. He couldnt even kill an Insect, literally(!). I am talking about a hornet that botherd my mother, when she was a child. When I was a child, I wanted to join a Sportsclub to shoot with airguns. My grandmother was so shocked when she just heard the words "join" and "rifle"... it was just about a few weeks, that I went there... pretty boring thing to my taste. We, my friends and I, are agreed to meet and watch the soccer game today. Germay in the finals of the European Championship 2008. Most of us, including me, are not realy into soccer. But I think its even more fun, if you dont take it so seriously
My friends are ... maybe frustrated, sometimes bored, but at least peaceful humorous people. I do not ever want to glorify any of them. Neighther my family. My other grandfather probably was an on nazi. I never met him. No one from my family liked him very much. He kept his thoughts for himself, liked alcohol too much and died. But to call all germans ... which includes my parents, my so very very kindhearted mother and her parents and my good friends and all the good and openminded people I know here... nationalists, racists, evil/hatefull people and even (which it combines it all) "nazis" is such an insult. What - are - you?
I dont want to deny that there are (let me take a alliteration from a Mel Brooks Film"neo-nazi-nitwits" here in Germany. And that even one is one too much! But what I've learned about nazis is that they are in every contry! The so called "white-pride" in America, those in South-america, in Denmark, in the UK and even in Russia, and they are interacting and comunitcating. I've learnd to try to look at people separately.
I is, like some one here said: you'll find what you are looking for. So i decided to search for kindhearded, open-minded people everywhere I go.
I've visited the US, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland and found nice people everywhere. Not only nice people. But hat NY for example, because of that UPS-Guy is as stupid for glorifing it for John the busdriver I had so much fun with, talking about baseball. Or Belgum for that ignorant thug, they through out of the party-room and this nice couple that spent my friends and me shelter. (and so on)
I dont write this to "apologize" or to "vindicate" myself.
I just wanted to write about what I feel, because a lot of your topics are just about that: Feelings.
To say that "When germany starts the next war, well be ready" and stuff like that ... what kind of feeling lies behind those expressions? I just cannot avoid drawing a picture of someone, sitting in his/her basement, polishing his/her gun and focusing his/her complete frustration, anger and things like that on a group of people, wearing one of this popular signs, handed out so generously in the history of man-kind, that says "free to be hated, becaus of some ... reasons". But this ist just another cliche.
Germany isnt the best place to live in or to grow up in. Maybe not even a good one. But it isnt the worst, too. At least it is a big mixture of accents, mentalities und modern and traditional sub-cultures itself (or small in comparison to other countries). Its incomplete, incorrect and in a great need to be improved. Typical human, you know?I had to learn that here so much more to discover than just one unique culture. And that my hometown differs alot to the nearby ruhrarea and even from part to part. But Germany wants to learn and to improve, as much as any other(!) contry (which maybe isnt enough yet). And i hope that those of you, who are here, disliking it and thier time here, just find the strength to try to improve it... just a little bit and just "try". And if not, try to focus on what you like, to find what you like.
I dont think Ill come back here to this forum to respond to any... respondings, if there might be any. Because its 5:42 am in the morning, and (I know that might sound a little frightening "hippie-ish" for some of you) the birds outside just reminded me of doing something I never did often enough:
Enjoing LIVE!
Ich wünsch Euch was. (~I wish you something (good))just some reader 29 juin 2008, 06:00 - Signaler un abus -
..Americans ?? or USA people..
please people.. American it is not the same as USA people..make it clear please !!
.. 30 juin 2008, 06:35 - Signaler un abus -
So much hatred
Wow, I'm just down. How can you hate so much?
Isn't hatred the evil? Grown on prejudice, closed eyes, intollerance, inability to empathy, unwillingnes to understand or accept the forreign as forreign...
What's the medicine for it?
Could it be that I'm nothing but annoying rubbish because I'm German?
Well some oft the German answers were rubbish, actually.
You can't fight prejudice with prejudice, hatred with hatred, well you can, but you shouldn't, because exactly this leads to war an crualties like in the 20th century and before.
Sad, A German, born after 1945, incidentally...Sad 02 juil 2008, 12:04 - Signaler un abus -
US is white trash disease of this world
please f***in die all of you. i assure you that nobody in this world really likes you anyway.
people only come to us for money. everything else sucks badly.rambono 05 juil 2008, 12:04 - Signaler un abus -
To 'morrimo':
Americans are "ugly degenerate anglo-saxon dwarf race liars with bad teeth" and "asian mongoloid dumbshit from China"
This is sooooo disgracefully racist..
I don't care how bad Americans really are, because I have to tell you they are surely better than you German facist.
And "see you in hell" ??
No, no, you go to hell, they won't..Non-american-non-chinese observer 07 juil 2008, 12:10 - Signaler un abus -
Morrimo is actualy no german name, Non-american-non-chinese. Where do you know he's german?
noname 07 juil 2008, 02:20 - Signaler un abus -
you people need to go get a f***ing life. first of all to all you german not all americans are overweight so whoever told you that are just as dumb as you all are. second of all america is f***ing great place to live. and last we americans are educated. to all you americans not all of germany is ugly and dirty try cologne. to you germans i do have to agree with the americans on this. most germans seem mean. you all just have this one damn look on your face when you all are around and about. it is true that germans like to start fights with americans sometimes for no reason. i have a question for both americans and germans. is it true that the germans have temper problems? i am asking because i have heard a lot of americans and germans say you do. i am 17 and have more sense than you adults. i love american and is proud to be an american.
Chantel 07 juil 2008, 11:52 - Signaler un abus -
i live in germany 2 years now,and i hate crazy for move to america,but that its so complicated.i came here just cause my father is german,and you can hidde the truth,germans are rude,some racist,the weather like shit,and they dont like people from other very unhappy here,dont you ever move here please!!!
r 07 juil 2008, 08:06 - Signaler un abus -
Germany is as good as every other country!
I am a German guy and I'm very sad to read so many bad things about my country! Why do so many people hate Germany? ... Becouse of Hitler? Thats so long ago. I'm not a Nazi, my parents were no Nazis, even my grandparents weren't! We don't have any Nazis here in Germany! And if you still say, that America would be so much better, I need to ask you...what did the Americans do with the Black people? he? What does George W. Bush do? He's a friendly guy, right??? ... !german boy 08 juil 2008, 04:48 - Signaler un abus -
You say it!
What that Boy above me said is right. Most Americans don't know us Germans. They heard about Hitler and now we are "Bad people"
and to end i've got to say: we don't eat many sausages. we eat spagetti, pizza, burger and other things. there are so many klischees!GeRmAn 08 juil 2008, 04:54 - Signaler un abus -
to those babyboys who bitch around that they have to live in germany and want to live in the us when they grow up, listen up!
if you want to move to the us: earn it, you bitches, just like anybody else who moved there. don´t you even realize how pathetic you really are? always nagging about this and that, silly boys.
if you cant make it in germany, you wont make it in the us either. think about it, you f***ing fat spoilt brats. now go back to your playstations, morons.
that´s why i hate americans, they take anything for granted.johnnybb 09 juil 2008, 12:38 - Signaler un abus -
Just as bad themselves
Americans imprisoned and treated American citizens like shit, lynching and disowning them just because they were of African or Japanese origin, or native Amricans, hunted them like witches, bullying them from their professional and private circles (communists), have a shit track record of foreign politics, plunging , supporting tyrannocal rulers just to serve their greed for resources. Now that indirect meddling takes too long they wage outright war on countries very far away from them. And then they point their dirty sticky fingers at Germans for being Nazis... Great, introspection and self-awareness is not their strength it seems despite the whole country just being so full of themselves all the time they have to unload onto their shrink...
That's what the rest of the world calls hypocritical, stupid and ignorant (obnoxious, damaging, dangerous, idiotic, pedantic, conceited, decitful....)NomoreUSrule 10 juil 2008, 03:01 - Signaler un abus -
if u like germany. close dis page!!!lol
holy crap! so im not the only one that thinks this? this place sucks so freaken badly its rediculous!! U.S rules!!!!! germany needs to burn!! BURN!!!
hitler 14 juil 2008, 12:04 - Signaler un abus -
I've just come back from Germany.
To me, the German culture is a mechanised barbarism. Very anti-humanistic. I'm a Japanese in the UK. I have a PhD in chemical engineering and had a job interview near Mannheim. I've travelled a lot over the years, but it was the first time in Germany for me - somehow I'd never had a chance. Simply speaking, I hated it so much. That's the only travel destination where I really missed England. How crap is that? I even felt like nicking a motorbike and riding straight to Poland or even Austria. I was that desperate to get out of the excessive boredom, pointless dictatorship of "ordnung" and widespread depression. The locals kept telling me how crap their lives are - long working hours, peanuts wage, general unfriendliness, nobody drinking beer under the sun, etc. The "DB" was totally crap and much worse than the British trains (holy crap!). I used a lot of the "RE" and "S" trains, but NONE OF THEM RAN ON TIME AT ALL. After enjoying the totally libertarian approach to everything in the UK, I just won't be able to live there (or in that sense, in Japan, either).
Oh God, why can't they smile?Yoshi 16 juil 2008, 01:30 - Signaler un abus -
I hate Germany too..
I can't wait to get out. Germany is so full of restrictions, laws, unfairness, prejudice, racism, ignorant bureaucrats, rude and obnoxious "customer service" (it doesn't exist) sour looking faces, many ugly and rude behaving people who surely do not know civility much; I could go on and on....there isnt' much freedom here at ALL.. I can't wait to get back to the US OF A!!
Loving my Countryt 16 juil 2008, 04:47 - Signaler un abus -
u guys are n00bs. damn i have read so many anti-german comments. i am a bit scared now. but i can live with that.
people have their own perspective on stuff. ... if you take me for example, i would love to plug-in my favorite music before i go to sleep or read a book or go to college. it doesn't have to be happy-go-lucky ... cuz when u listen to music, you are in ur own mood. ... so f*** the world around you ... it doesnt matter, i hate us for one reason ... politics. ... i love us for many other reasons, ... hollywood, southpark - agrrr ... timmmy !!!! etc etc ...
i think usa is the undisputed king of the world.
well then ... be happy about it ... chill ...
and if someone cares about you voicing your opinion, it would be ur mom ... what ever u say ... is wrt u ... not me ... or anyone else ... so pls give out ur opinions lous and clear . ... u know why ?
opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.
as far as germany goes, it has, bmw, siemens, ww, mercedes, steadler ... this thing can go one forever ...
usa is such a big ass country, but still the number seems to be far less than what it can do for this world ... on the contrary it just loathes in the oil fields across middle east ...
oil licking, brainless(cuz u use too much of calculator) losers (inherited, not ur fault).xsystem | System of a Down 16 juil 2008, 11:15 - Signaler un abus -
USA is parasite of this world
US is full of jew leeches greedy for money and oil, who also caused the world financial crisis we´re in right now ...
But white american people need to consume more, so that their huge asses grow even bigger. That´s why they wage and support an illegal war in the middle east. It could be anybody else tomorrow. American troops are made up of antisocial lower elements of society who cant get a job in the US and lost their homes because of the mortgage crisis.
US and its allies are the cancer that plagues this world. They´re fighting against "problems" in the world that they caused by themselves in the first place.
The amerciacans, who post on this site, are all ugly hypocrites. That´s because they all descend from genocidal sons of bitches.rebel yell 17 juil 2008, 11:46 - Signaler un abus -
germany really sucks ,Germans too
i am not american and not european ,but i can confirm that germany really sucks 100% true.people are just f***in racist,they discriminate even again each other a german from bayren is not like a german from north or ost!!!...truely 100% ass holes just self oriented and selfish,f***ing arogant with no any reason(only that they were the cause of 2 world wars,and obeyed a nazy discriminating regime for years...assholes no character right)even this is questioning..i mean every body blame hilter for the death of 20 million people..but the man himself didnot kill all those is just the proud ,f***ing german people who killed and murdered and raped and stole,,....he has just givine them the chance to express themselves and here came everything after....and i thing this is genetic too
german behorde(local govermental offices) are an example of misery and discrimination ,try to get something done with those people...if u are a foreigner..u are f***ed ..they try to do their best just to stop the process or at least to make u struggle..sadism..yeeeeaaaah
what else ..try to workwith germans ,,they are all against u....a team work in german standard..every body is just f***ing u although u may be much better ..this doesnot count...your name,color ,religon counts here.......f*** germany and every german racist.....ME 17 juil 2008, 09:00 - Signaler un abus -
If Germany sucks so much, then why do Americans go there and post so many threads in this forum?
Please explain.jimbo 22 juil 2008, 02:34 - Signaler un abus -
Scandinavians hate Germans
Greetings from Scandinavia.. We rock germans suck!
I HATE GERMANS! They are assholes. I really really hate them. I was in New York and New Yorkers are the loveliest people compared to the Germans. Germany is Europe industrial "heart", and the German peoples heart is mechanical. Self enslaved people. They need to free them selves from unnatural self destructive culture/behavior/codes of behavior. It’s eating them up from the inside. Men aren’t meant to be like robots. Assholes.Scandalnavia 23 juil 2008, 06:37 - Signaler un abus -
Germans are indeed a sad bunch
I just came back from seeing the Barack Obama speech. I am an American, but I was INVITED by Germany to work in their country and I have an unrestricted work permit. (unbefristet).
I was very saddened about the very poor welcome Americans received in Berlin for the speech as well as the even poorer comments on all the German blogs that appeared the week of the speech.
Ignorance is in every country and in every culture, including mine, that is for sure. But, Germany, for me, is an exception, because so many of the Germans are actually very proud of their ignorance and small-mindedness. They show with their media outlets and blogging and call-in talk shows that they definitely DON'T want to change or develop their views about anything. That is for me, the most frustrating part about being here. I work with Germans that love me very much, to be fair. But, it took 3 hard years of me performing their every wish to earn their respect, it was very difficult. Only have that amount of time, when I say something, they listen as if I just might know what I'm talking about. However, for the first 3 years, I had no idea what I was talking about, and I was just a nuisance "lucky" to be working in their country.
The city of Berlin treated the American visitors horribly. I will not spend any more money in Berlin, sorry. Whether or not you like my country, I have money to spend, and the last time I checked, Berlin is bankrupt, so you can use my tourist Euros.
I think that the world is a shameful place at the moment. People have lost all morals in every culture.
I am able to survive here in spite of the always increasing anti-Americanism because of my strong Christian faith and values. The Bible tells us that "we will make our enemies our footstools". For me, it has worked every time. I treat people the way I want to be treated, and eventually, wonderful and amazing Germans always help me when I need it most. That is Karma.
So, my suggestion for all the unhappy foreigners in Germany is to find a stable ground for yourself and find happiness and peace within yourself and then you will be happy no matter what your surroundings are.
My suggestion for the Germans continues to be: Judge everyone individually and only AFTER you have a chance to see into their hearts.
Peace and love, don't forget the Golden Rule, "Treat others as you wish to be treated."expat C 26 juil 2008, 05:20 - Signaler un abus -
You are a stupid idiot!
mhmhmhmhm 27 juil 2008, 02:12 - Signaler un abus -
No, you are.
philfromx 27 juil 2008, 05:32 - Signaler un abus -
what can i say....
i was planning to move to germany but after reading to all these racists and "i'm better than you comments" i feel a little depressed. i lived in US 5 years and i felt racism.. JUST LIKE IN EVERY PART OF THE COUNTRY!. I have to admit that in my own country we have racist people, skin heads, neo nazis and all those things that i think they are really stupid. I think germans are a little cold because people from other countries comes but they don't mind learning the language and 'adapt' to the culture, they just wanna change everything... JUST LIKE IN THE US, i admit there are some idiots that go to the US and live like if they were living in their own country and they just don't get that the culture is diferent. I'm from Chile and I saw all that. RACISM is everywhere, differences will always exists, and I've never been to germany, but I think that is a beautiful country, and US is beautiful too. Mean, Bad, Racist, Ignorants are EVERYWHERE... even U are racist, ignorant and all those things in some point of your life.
bye everyone!unowho 29 juil 2008, 02:28 - Signaler un abus -
Did we need foreigners?
I am German and have seen this thread only by chance. This surprises me most so many foreigners (primarily Americans) make thoughts on Germany to themselves. Anyway I don´t make so many thoughts on foreigners to me. By the way, it is completely unimportantly for me whether Americans or other foreigners like us Germans or not. If you don´t like the country go back to your native country anyway. Nobody forces you to live here.
Rate mal 29 juil 2008, 12:30 - Signaler un abus -
iam born german and i have to admit germany / germans SUCK!!!!
i was born in germany. son of a mixed marriage.
i grew up and felt the racism for 20 years. after another 10 years i took my family and left that facist, racist country. nowadays germany is not different compared to the third reich. but germans don't realize that fact because they are what they are in their soul.
germany is full of selfish nationalist rogues, thiefs and thugs. and the worst they believe they are the best in world, best health system, best social system, best infrastructure, the leading technology country and of course THE LAND OF LIBERAL SPEECH. they did't realize that the german propaganda machine and media censorship is up since the 90's.
germans don't even realize that their goverment is ripping them of. germans think that they are the chosen loved folk in the world.
i hate their ignorance.
yes and now bash me you german fools like you know what you're talking. if you think that you are superior to the US americans i just have to say you are even more stupid than anything else.
yes of course i know some germans who i could call friends but the way they are isn't the majority of germany.
so it seems that the allies made a big mistake in helping germany after ww2. the british where right - make the germans a country of farmers.
i know many people in germany say: WHEN WE GET A NEW STRONG MAN WHO LEADS US OUT OF OUR MISERY! sounds familiar does it!?
so don't tell me anything or excuses because i know you!haveit 29 juil 2008, 03:43 - Signaler un abus -
USA against Germany
An American girl meets a German boy.
American girl: "I´m the typical American girl but my sister is the absolute opposite"
German: "Oh, can you introduce your sister to me?"Dennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 29 juil 2008, 04:51 - Signaler un abus -
Germany vs. USA
A german male will try to date your wife, even if he knows that she is married and got kids.
He won't care. Well, thats bad behaviour!Justin 29 juil 2008, 05:37 - Signaler un abus -
As a german male I would not like to date a female if she is american. No matter whether she is a single, is married, has children or is owner of a hamster
Stefan 29 juil 2008, 08:44 - Signaler un abus