Switzerland sucks
If you think the salaries in switzerland are "higher," remember that anyway the cost of living in Switzerland is at least 2-3 times higher than the rest of Europe, so your savings rates are much lower. Plus the social life and number of contacts here are extremely low, you're lucky if you find even 2 swiss friends after living here for many years. Racism and xenophobia are huge problems here and growing by the day. Unless you are a cheese or watch maker or work in a bank, you will find the other industries to be extremely limited and not very rewarding.
Conclusion: Stay away from switzerland, land of over-priced junk and unfriendly, cold, closed-minded people, and go to France or Germany instead.30 jun 2008, 05:39 Jack
to canadian_lady
I'm so glad that I'm not alone!!! I'm going trough the break up right now.......very bad experience!!!
canadian girl 22 mar 2009, 10:07 - Denunciar -
ch sucks
switzerland is the arsehole of the world.....i can cofidently advise anyone and everyone to stay away i am leaving asp.
widom 25 mar 2009, 09:03 - Denunciar -
Fúr DD
Danke für Deine Antwort, und ich dachte, die Schweizer als mehrsprachiges Wolk würden auch cosmopolitisch sein... Immerhin freut mich zu lesen, dass es Schweizer gibt -wie Du- die cosmopolitisch sind und sich in dem eigenen Land nicht ganz wohl fühlen. Berlin ist mir zu gross, ich liebe das Landleben und möchte nicht weit weg vom Mittelmeer sein. Die Frage ist nur wo? Tja, Weltbürger sein ist nicht leicht.
GrüsseWeltbürger 26 mar 2009, 11:36 - Denunciar -
arse hole of the world
not only is switzerland the arse hole of the world it is horribly primitive women where only aloued to vote since 1983.. Thaat is sick..!!!!
soo iis the weather.. and the people are as ugly as the weather. They are even atrakted to the musical instruments i dislike the most: Trumpets & Violins..^^ thier musical tast is the worst in he world and their sivil servants. Must all have an iq of 10..that includes The police and the posoffice workeswisdom 27 mar 2009, 02:55 - Denunciar -
LULZ WORLDWIDE!W. Class 29 mar 2009, 08:08 - Denunciar -
it's all a lie..
I've been in Switzerland for a month and a half and I'm about to come back again.
In that time I could see how respectful, organized and friendly Swiss are.
The ones that are insulting Switzerland here, are not proving anything against that beautiful country. On the contrary, their messages are showing lack of respect, intolerance and don't deserve even an answer.
When you tell your opinion, do it well founded and with respect, if you want to be treated in the same way.Giselle 30 mar 2009, 05:20 - Denunciar -
This piece of land called Switzerland is a living nightmare: inefficient offices, corrupt stores, racist/greedy locals. The postcard-version of Switzerland with mountains and cows is a blatant lie. Slowly, the Swiss are waking up and realizing how much the world hates their "country" and look at their inhabitants like false, arrogant pieces of shit, that need to be beaten up a little bit for their own benefit. Good!
switzerland??? never again!!! 01 abr 2009, 03:35 - Denunciar -
I agree with all the posters in this forum criticizing switzerland.
After all, switzerland has been like a parasite leaching illegal money from drugdealers, dictators and filchers and protecting them. swiss people should apologize for their criminal help and give all the money back.
It does not surprise me, they are all so racist, after observing the campaign of their main political party. It makes sense after all.just me 01 abr 2009, 08:06 - Denunciar -
yeah squash switzerland
let's keep tax-oasis such as cayman islands and delaware. we've got atomic nukes, so CH has to obey and shut up hehe
boogeyman 01 abr 2009, 10:19 - Denunciar -
Switzerland. What is Switzerland? Is it snowy mountains? Chocolate, or good functioning watches? Maybe! This are, however, constructed images. They don’t represent reality. But one thing, and this can be measured empirically, is that the Swiss have a very strict hierarchy: The bosses here, the workers there.
That might be normal, due to the organization of a company. Sure.
In Switzerland, and this is striking, this hierarchy is, unluckily, adopted into the social atmosphere. Into the daily-live if you want.
The sick, trying, and ridiculous consequence of this culture, is that people with a low income are not entitled to feel good about themselves. Meaning: This people, among them are many foreigners, are not mend to speak out their opinion, they are neither entitled of having a sound self-esteem. "No money, no right to feel good about yourself. No money, no need to speak out your thoughts. Shut up, and feel ashamed of yourself!". That is the message brought forward of this culture.
Furthermore, the Swiss credo of social organization is: Who can we exclude? Whom can we give the feeling of not belonging to the in-group? Lets talk bad, lets stick out heads together and gossip about person X. The sad thing is, and I’m sure many expats are recognizing this, is unless one is able to betray and talk bad about co-workers and colleges, one has not the chance to make friends or carrier in Switzerland. Sad, but true.komkommer 02 abr 2009, 01:50 - Denunciar -
The pervious paragraph sums the situation absolutely in Switzerland,
Makes me laugh to be honest its all carteled to lock out any change or anything that they could actually benefit from,
But thats the way it is for now until they are forced to join the EU and these silly hermit asterix village constructs will be changed.
But it does have nice people in Switzerland the problem being though is the culture is very locked into social complexities any other person from another country would find quite amusing, these complications make it exceedingly hard for enterprise and vision, although they do claim their salaries and professionalism? are worth the empty life.
So it comes to everyday life.
Is it worth it quite honestly no, I love the safety and non hyped up culture compared to the UK and US but after a while you always get to that everyday routine mode where cultural things niggle you and my worst hinderance is its BORING my god, they have no life in them at all everything is to controlled for expression,
I actually look forward to taking a number two at work just to see an expression on one of my colleagues faces to actually remind myself I am from the human race.
I'd rather be poor than have a robotic good salary, money gets boring after a while and they are hell bent on their acumilation of riches and to not loose face with any humanly outburst they do this as the previous post said through bullying and bitching.
All rather immature but can be quite fun if your good at being king or queen bitch!
I've said this many a time before to people,
I'm not sure how much relevance it has anymore but with the recession/depression coming to Switzerland this is only a place if you have PHD or DR equivelant to fullfill a good salary, if thats what you want beyond that it comes down to material ( money ) where they have their uses or did have when they where a tax haven.
( they now report back to other countries if the tax man comes knocking )
Any young person who isn't coming to either be a Ski Instructor in the Ski parts, stay away if you are bright its a (cartel set in stone) you will be exploited they are not pro active towards your dreams or wishes positively they have no interest or know where to start as they are unexperienced in this field in helping you and most certainly don't want your individual success.
Just some of my views, please though any young bright person think about twice actually living in CH it isn't quite what you think.JOLLY !!! 03 abr 2009, 03:34 - Denunciar -
switzerland, the perfect illusion
After living here for a few months, I can only say: STAY AWAY FROM SWITZERLAND!!!
* People: Swiss are selfish and racist. Don't believe the lie that swiss are friendly or nice, THEY ARE NOT. They only want your skills and treat you like shit. They have absolutely NO RESPECT for people of other cultures and let you feel it. Believe me, once you come here, you'll understand what I mean. Swiss are like a stone: cold and dead. Swiss neighbors are THE WORST kind of humans you can imagine. They are like borgs or hobbits gone nuts, only thinking about how they can show you how much they hate and dislike you. Sad but true.
* Work: As already said in the posts above, the jobs here look great on paper BUT once you REALLY work here you'll see it was all a BIG LIE. They abuse you, you have no rights, you'll feel like a real slave!! So friends, think twice about accepting a job in switzerland. They attract you with honey and chocolate but in the end, they hit you with a whip. They'll make "swiss-style" working contracts and leave you ABSOLUTELY without rights!! When you leave switzerland (and believe me, you will jump out of joy when you can!!) they keep the money you paid of social security!! It is true!! So: Don't EVER accept a job in switzerland!!
* Culture: Switzerland SUCKS!! There's nothing good going on here. If you are foreigner, they don't let you in to clubs and parties. Rent a car? Only for swiss. Watch a football game? Only for swiss. Going to a trendy, cool club? NO FOEREIGNERS ALLOWED!! And so on...
So, friends, here my advice: Whenever you see an ad about switzerland abroad... yell loud and clear: LIE, LIE, LIE!!! So that everyone can hear you. If you see a poster about switzerland, take a big fat pencil and write "LIE" on it. If you see swiss products: DON'T BUY THEM. Switch to japanese watches, belgium chocolate and dutch cheese. Like this, you don't support this greedy, false country in their criminal wrongdoings. Make this world, a better place.Claudia 03 abr 2009, 07:30 - Denunciar -
to Jay: Thanks for the tip.
I def. plan on taking action, as i am still waiting for my b pass. And the part about wanting to abuse the system is a joke. It would be nice to, but you cant. Its more of a frustration that comes by being fucked in a double standard system. Do everything the swiss tell you to, dot i's, cross t's, learn swiss german, make swiss friends...in the end it gets you nowhere!
when i finally am allowed to work, i get to look forward to being discriminated and not valued, i get to look forward being paid one third less than a man, because the swiss are still openly sexist, i get to look forward to being shunned from the swiss because i am not swiss.
in a previous post it was mentioned that swiss are not racist because of the 4 national languages and the neighbouring countries. go back in the history books, the swiss were once racist against italians, now the albanians and jugos are up to bat. And dont tell me that there is not racism against these people because i hear scheiss jugo and scheiss albaner all the time!
to giselle, who has been here an astounding month and a half, oh wow, good for you, open your eyes! i was tricked much the same in a 3 month summer visit! and while i admit that some people choose to express themselves at different levels, many are talking from experience!
ex. i was given an appointment with a social worker to assess my situation. She said, after not being able to help me, that i could make more of an effort to integrate. What? My husband doesnt speak english, i speak only german, all the time, have only swiss friends, how the hell is that not integrating? then she gives me a flyer for an auslander treff so i can practice my german with other newcomers. what a joke. Integrate, but only hang out with auslanders! And my german is fine, because i grew up with it, its not like i speak only bahnhof. :P
the examples are neverending, and god forbid you try to be friendly or make a joke, you get stared at like youre from outerspace. Apparently i didnt know that i wasnt allowed to be friendly to people on the street. Wait, with the exception of the required "gruezi" in the small villages.
And it is about taking criticism, people! I am aware of the problems that Canada has with immigration and integration. Unfortunately its not a problem for the foreigners, but for the white canadians. If a black/brown/chinese female and a white female apply for the same job with the same credentials, the dark person gets it.
Swiss people need to learn to take criticism. Yes, you guys are oh so great for watches and chocolate and cheese. But you know what, we have all that in canada. Too bad your strict import laws prohibit you from having anything ethnic other than a currywurst.
Like i said in my first post, i would go back if i could. If there are any swiss people that are chill easy going have a sense of humour and actually appreciate ausländers, show us the nice side of Switzerland.canadiangirl not to be confused with canadian girl 08 abr 2009, 03:18 - Denunciar -
Shit Swiss. The swiss losers
I`m American and i live in this Schit country since 1987. Yes! The Swiss are stupid. I have a U.S. Military haircut and the swiss thinks that is part of the Nazi scene. The swiss don`t know anything about the U.S. Army haircut. I have that haircut because of my loving Grandpa who join in the Military service in WW2( died 2004) But he did not fight in Europe. The Swiss politics are bad. As a example! Kids are drinking and smoking at the age of 13. Age drinking in Switzerland is 16. When i smoke or drink i keep away from the minors. And if anybody ask me for cigarettes or alcohol what ever they look young or old, i always ask for a I.D. Instead the swiss people saying i have a I.D., they starting to be upset. Well Swiss fuckers! If you discusse about the kids drinking and smoking, shoot it up at the age 18.
Paul Jakob Boller 08 abr 2009, 08:17 - Denunciar -
cannot stand it here
I hate this dreary little country. I cannot think of one thing that I like about living here, except for the chocolate, and even that can taste like shit sometimes. It's just so spirit crushingly dull and lifeless. Really it's so god-awful and boring it must be against some international human rights law? For crimes against fun, happiness, intelligence, LIFE?? What I really hate though are the foreigners that live here who think it's the greatest place in the universe. WTF is that about?? OK, I can understand why someone would want to come here to escape a war zone ( although the Swiss would never dream of letting people like that in. Screw the poor and needy, that's their policy), but what the hell is wrong with all these idiot western europeans who go on and on about what a super fucking duper place Switzerland is? All they witter on about is skiing and where to eat fondue. God I hate them.
I've yet to meet a fellow CH hater in person. Isn't there some sort of club? (that's another thing I hate about life here. In no other nation in Europe would it be necessary to 'join a club' in order to have a social life. Ugh)hello all 09 abr 2009, 08:16 - Denunciar -
answer to TRUE
Switzerland is a place where only the negative organisations lives.It is much more criminal than USA but nobody can notice it.
When you are in USA you can easily have all the infos about the criminal quartiers and streets and thanx to that you can protect yourself against crime but here in Switzerland you can not do it in that way.Because swiss criminals are well educated and they are always beside you with a diplomatic nice look for limiting your creative actions FOR THE NAME OF NEUTRALITY. The term "Neutrality swiss" mean CHURCH taboos from middle age times and nothing else.First execution of witch began in Switzerland,Servetus(socinians church) was burnt in Geneva by swiss people.Today, nobody is burnt here in Switzerland but swiss behaviour is still the same against the creative and open minded people.Swiss are the most diplomatic(only cause of life standarts and half dirty money from banks) barbarians of our world and they are proud of having such a primitive soul/mentality and cultur for the name of their VATERLAND.For ending this message, i have only a word to say about swiss people : UNEDUCABLE PRIMITIVE CHURCHY-NAZI BASTARDS FROM MIDDLE AGE TIMES.PANDORA 10 abr 2009, 03:00 - Denunciar -
responding to "swiss lady"
Felicitations.In 1000 years, the majority of swiss people will understand truth about their churchy,nazi and xenephobic mentality from today but on that time they will be busy to pay the bills of all the shit they do today.
USA will remain forever by renewing himself but Switzerland will be disappeared DEFINITIVELY.We do not need anymore the countries hold a mentality from 14th century and trying to integrate it in modern forms.This is good for the persons who are in love with the persons as Hitler and old fascist religions but not for us.
SWITZERLAND SUCKS FOR EXCELLENCE.Socinus 10 abr 2009, 03:27 - Denunciar -
Sorry but I feel the same way too
I've read all the posts and have no desire to insult any Swiss here, but I've been living here for almost eight years now (which shouldn’t interest you), and there is a lot of truth in what the others are saying about the integration issue.
The point is: I've always understood that integration meant...
"The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation."
So having previously lived for a number of years in another foreign country... I know what this means and never had any issues, be it language, customs, do's and don'ts, had girlfriends - you name it - been there done that!
The issue is you - Yes... the Swiss people!
On trains, in cities, parks, small towns etc the list goes on. No one seems interested in one another. You don't need to be a foreigner. The truth of the matter is, (which is what the others are trying to say) it's not us with the integration problem - it's yours truly!
This is the main reason why we are having such a hard time trying to get to know you.
Everyone here will have had their own experiences, but I've witnessed countless occasions of the Swiss bitching behind other people’s backs and the spreading around of unfounded stories and rumours, in the honest belief, that what you're saying is somewhat interesting and informative to those around you - it's NOT!
Your normal daily 'so-called' conversations are loaded with statistics and reports from various local/national newspapers and your ability to talk 'pausenlos' about your jobs is unmatched. It's so impersonal and boring - it's SH*T!
Your best advice to 'us' in getting to know people always seems to be... joining a verein. I have no problem with that if I'm doing it out of a hobby or a fitness interest, but I've never-ever fulfilled my social interests in any club. I prefer meeting people the old fashioned way, saying hello on a regular basis, you know... break the ice, normal chat etc, "nice weather today, how are you?"
Enjoying life in Switzerland is what's being discussed here and attending verein meetings whatever has nothing to do with integration.
And if you think we're after the Swiss pass, no way, it's going biometric any day soon now so... oopppss! That’s state stuff - won't go there.
Question for the Swiss:
On a personal level - What do you expect from foreigners living in your country?
1. Being able to speak to you in your language
2. To be polite to you and say Grüezi first (even though you don't answer back)
3. Eat Swiss food...
What else, I can't think of anything at the moment, help me here!
I'll be honest when I say that on a social level, the Swiss mentality is hard to crack.
I know Swiss people from back home; good fun, sound personalities and good friends. But as soon as they got back to Switzerland, that all changed. I just don't fully understand why that is.
The tragic thing it, is that I honestly (at this stage), don't want to get to know you anymore. Even relationship wise, I don't want to meet a Swiss girl... (wait... what age am I)a Swiss woman then. I've tried, I'm tired of trying. These things have to be 50/50 and I certainly don't feel I have to change my personality or mentality in any shape or form.
It's a shame it's come to this... but as 'you more than frequently' say... "es ist halt so!"
Pity!:o) 17 abr 2009, 02:45 - Denunciar -
and i would rather die than join a turnen verein!
canadiangirl 21 abr 2009, 10:48 - Denunciar -
switzerland / amalekia
strange strange
the whole Forum is full with primitive and racist comments about how the swiss are racist and primitv. trange enough most of those posts seem to be from one and the same person. very primitiv namecalling. I guess someone is pretty angry at switzerland.
Its the oldest still existing Direct Democracy.
a nice mix of capitalism and marxism.
dont like it here? you are always free to leave.
bye bye and have a nice live.indigenous helvetic 21 abr 2009, 12:20 - Denunciar -
those that talk about the poor in switzerland
seem to have no clue.
Show me another country where you as a citizen have a constitutional right to get money and assistance to have a decent live?
Also people coming here get money so they can build up an existance.
only Bolivia and Venezuela have more social rights granted in their constitution.
There are racists in Switzerland, just like in every other country.....swiss 21 abr 2009, 01:07 - Denunciar -
Its strange that those complaining about racism, use sweeping generalisations.
As if all the swiss are the same.
When we are so racist adn bigot like described here, how come that a few years ago the highest ranked politican was a man that originally came from Poland? His parents moved here nad their son got "President" of switzerland, btw, he is also openly homosexual.
strange strange Forum..- 21 abr 2009, 04:56 - Denunciar -
to swiss
ya, Canada gives you that right. Canada also employs tactics devised to prevent anyone from having to go on welfare (social assistance). for example, free bus passes and tickets so that you can at least travel for free while you look for a job. Food banks and food vouchers so you can eat, subsidized housing so you can have a roof over your head. And while there are some aspects of this in Switzerland, it is not nearly to the same extent. And i know what im talking about because i went to the gemeinde, to a social worker and to the migrations amt.
oh by the way, in canada you can get business grants, so you can even start a business. So im not saying that Switzerland has NOTHING to offer, im saying that there are very few options for people, and social assistance is denied to many regardless of their circumstances.
As far as the generalizations regarding racism, thats what people do. When you meet 6 racist people out of 10, you generalize that the whole group has a majority of racist people. I know that not all people are racist, and not against all races, some ônly against certain nations, but when someone tells me i better change my name because it sounds too jugo, and that ill never get a job because of that, and because i have scars on my arms from the operations, thats not only racist, thats prejudice. There are a few swiss people who dont think that way, and i hope that those few people will break the mold......
even if it takes a gay polak to change te mind for the swiss!
get a grip swiss people, we are not all saying you are totally shit. Change your perceptions, beciome more aware, and take it as constructive critiscm.canadiangirl 23 abr 2009, 12:11 - Denunciar -
polak is the racist form to describe a person with Polish Nationality.
why on earth would you use such an expression when you talk about other people's racism?Polish 24 abr 2009, 03:56 - Denunciar -
If you don't like it, stay out
Swiss people aren't racist unless you give them a reason to be (in general). Sure there are racist people everywhere, though.
If you don't like it, stay the HELL out.Yours Truly 24 abr 2009, 08:10 - Denunciar -
Mobile numbers
I am trying to find a mobile number of a swiss friend. Is there any website that has such information? I know white pages has address and home residential number but what about mobile numbers.
vandike 26 abr 2009, 08:42 - Denunciar -
Do Not Trust the Swiss......
I am married to a Swiss (which technically makes me Swiss too-- i have a passport). He is just like the other Swiss I have met. At first they are friendly--- almost childlike. But, if you do not gush with enthusiasm about this little, mediocre country, they get offended and call you names and tell you to go back to where you came from. They treat all persons without 2 Swiss parents as outsiders. I fear for the future of my beautiful and smart daughter. The Swiss have no trouble accepting poor or middle class foreigners who work their butts off to assimilate and never say an ill word. But, the Swiss have trouble with the more intelligent, thoughtful and wealthy foreigners because they don't fit into the typical Swiss community which is under-educated (most don't go to university) and small-minded. If the Swiss want to keep hiding tax money for rich people why don't they allow rich foreigners to get Swiss passports and come live here and use their money to influence the policies of the country???? I guess that would be putting your money where your dumb, little mouth is....... hypocrisy is alive and well.
Go To Hell 27 abr 2009, 11:42 - Denunciar -
To "go to hell"
Hi. The swiss i met seems a good person, not infantile, hard-working man and educated. In fact, it is this last characteristic which attracted me the most. He's clever, he's not narrow-minded at all and he has sense of humour.
Why do you say "do not trust the swiss"? I am spanish and spaniards have reputation of being cheater people though it doesn't mean there are not decent spanish people, so i suppose the same could happens with swiss people: they have a tendency but you can also find indivials( sometimes quite a lot of them) that don't fix in the pattern?Sandra 28 abr 2009, 12:15 - Denunciar -
I have to admit
I spent a year living in Switzerland as an exchange student. From my experiences, the Swiss are very unfair to foreigners. I was kicked out of restaurants, bars and parties because I'm from the US. I don't like talking about politics, never have, so when people asked me about American politics, all I told them was that I didn't like George Bush. Unfortunately, many times, I was kicked out just after saying I was American. Of course, this was in a smaller town, only about 30,000 people or so. I also witnessed a group of Swiss men and one Swiss girl beat up my African American friend in the middle of the street in Zurich. A police car drove by, didn't even stop. He never even said a word to them, they just came up behind us and starting hitting him. He hand to spend three days in a hospital because of these Swiss neo-nazis. I was only 17, and my friend was 16. My family now say they will never let me go back to Switzerland.
Exchange Student 28 abr 2009, 07:22 - Denunciar -
Swiss = gone
haha, again Peer Steinbrück made fun of them and i love it!
Btw, with all the global warming and stuff there will soon be no point in going to Switzerland.GONE! 05 may 2009, 09:27 - Denunciar -
to Polish
is it really? is it one of those double standard terms? because my two polish friends use that term all the time....is it kinda like african americans, or people who are dark in skin colour are allowed to say nigger, nigga and so forth, but people of white colour arent?
the fact that you could only pinpoint that one word shows great lacking on your part.canadiangirl8 07 may 2009, 01:19 - Denunciar -
My God
How much exageration here! Here is like in eveywhere just with the difference that one earns more money in Switzerland.
Iove Switzerland 07 may 2009, 02:50 - Denunciar -
People here amaze me. The Swiss- haters by their prejudice and generalization and the Swiss by their inability to take in constructive criticism. What most critics say is true but I don't see in what way discussing it all over again will help. Switzerland is a very dull country compared to it's neighbors, that is a fact. The mentality is cold and impersonal, things seem lifeless. Additionally many people are intolerant or even racist but then again that's everywhere in the world. The closed-mind mentality goes on my nerves as well ( I had mentioned it in an earlier post) but I am also optimistic that once I meet my kind of people in university I'll be able to enjoy it more. I'm sorry for all those foreigners who feel discriminated against or been shown hostility to; i feel for you, me myself I'm a Turk and people always make you know that you're not Swiss. And honestly why would you want to be? Just be yourself, travel the world and leave the ignorant people live their narrow little lives.
MistahX 09 may 2009, 12:08 - Denunciar -
Switzerland/ the biggest modern shit of the planet
RACIST PIGS.GO TO HELL....zhomas zaine 09 may 2009, 06:19 - Denunciar -
ANIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALS..........ZHOMAS ZAINE 09 may 2009, 06:34 - Denunciar -
worst modern people
The land of racist and very dangerous animals with two feet.They are very difficult to educate.
Please Please Help
Wow, in here everyone is angry saying this is better than that and that this sucks that.... Ohhh please be calm, bad people and racism is everywere in the world, we all need the same things to live no matter the money we have, what matters is to feel good with ourselves.
In my point of view it's better to take a nice beer with a group of friends and sing all kind of songs than going into an expensive restaurant with only one or two persons and all is grey. I don't want to offend anyone with this message. Have a nice life and please try to make friendsnobody 21 may 2009, 04:12 - Denunciar -
Everybody think that Switzerland is a very developed society and they stoped doing war with others before all other nations from western world but this is not true.Because Switzerland is a half dictatorship and the places where there is the essence of dictatorship there is no crime.They are very small for a war, so they are peacefull as an obligation.Because they know that they are not a big society for qonquest any other land.
Some people try to save the prestige of Switzerland but they have no chance.Switzerland was the worst barbarian place in the middle of europe.Today, they are informed well about the polythese and the modernity but their soul and mentality is still belonging to primitive man from middle age times.You can check it by their way to produce modern arts.In 100 years Switzerland will be considered the land of most civilized BARBARIANS and nothing else.Because thanks to money they are still able to hide it but intelligent and well educated strangers (swiss citizens hate them.Because those guys are able to prove that swiss are primitive barbarians)know well the meaning of the word called SWITZERLAND.I know that nobody believes but i repeat either: Swiss are one of the worst nations from modern world.phomas taine 22 may 2009, 06:58 - Denunciar -
not that happy
Being rather leftwing and thus often disagreeing with what's happening in Switzerland, I would never have imagined to be forced one day to defend my country: But now I am made to do so by many of the comments I have read here. Of course there is a lot of justified criticism about Switzerland – its in fact dubious asylum laws, the campains run by the People's Party, the tax haven problems – but that does not give the right to anyone of accusing every Swiss citizen of being racist or of simply insulting us, as it is done ad nauseam in this forum, simply as that is nothing else than classical racism – taking a cliché and attributing it to a whole population – which, by the way, in the case of Switzerland works even less, us not being an ethnical unity, thus having even fewer common mentality features than e.g. the French or the Italian people, where identity, defined by a common language or history, is more or less congruent to the nation itself – something we with our four languages, our 20% immigrants, our different landscapes and the many cultural and political influences from whole Europe throughout history unfortunately don't have. I myself experience a Switzerland offering to everyone opportunities in terms of education – I don't know whether my parents would have been able to afford a private school, which in many countries is necessary in order to obtain a sufficient education – and a guaranteed high-level medical treatment etc., a Switzerland where still 70% don't share the People's Party's opinions, where most people can speak foreign languages, where institutions like the Red Cross have been invented, where James Joyce and Hermann Hesse have felt at home. And do you really think running an institution like the ETH is a common occupation of dumb, cowardish and greedy cow herders or how ever we have been called by you?
Eumaios 29 may 2009, 08:31 - Denunciar -
We're all assholes don't come in our country. We have no sense of humour, we're all fascists, we only eat cheese and we love to work hard.
Rule Brittania! Viva the Anglo-Saxon globalized way of life! We're all stupid arrogant assholes if we don't grin at your jokes, be friends the first time we meet and talk all day about the weather... (joke, haha)
To anyone on this forum, come and visit Vevey near lake Geneva it would be an honor to show you around...James 04 jun 2009, 01:06 - Denunciar -
Only come if you have money or have a Qualification as a PHD or DR's degree,
Apart from that its not for you, Switzerland has ALOT to offer just not a place for creative thinkers or individuals alike.
Its about as diverse and dynamic as a Turd in a Desert with all the smelly experiences that enthrawl such a scene,
A robotica of a society that feed on the outside knowledge and even themselves without any remorseless confusion or clue into the actual unspontaneous stolen individual or indirect crime it was taken from.
A cold place a xenophobic mentality for outside perspective that involves no gain or relevance to their 200 mile radius of earth they where given and lived centuries ago in other parts of the roman vatican system.
Apart from that though a bloody good laugh all are welcome !
...... Just don't forget your wallet.
.... Or kids if you are catholic and you may have to pay a Tax as well if you are ReligiousHanz Gruber 04 jun 2009, 08:40 - Denunciar -
answer to WILLI TELL
Hey man...Please go to study about what about the fatal consequences happens to Switzerland when the strangers leave....
Primitive swiss neanderthal guy....Open your idiot mind for one time in your life and think twice before writing such an ignorant comments as a man from stoneage times....
Today whole world know about that Switzerland is one of the most racist modern country of the world...Go to study all about that....then you will learn all about the truth....Homas Aine 07 jun 2009, 03:34 - Denunciar -
Are you swiss?
Peter 09 jun 2009, 11:37 - Denunciar -
Dear justlanders and members of this page:
I want to apologize for my rude postings against the inhabitants of switzerland.
I'm a frustrated, jealous monkey who doesn't have a clue. My mom gave me to adoption when I was born because I was so bitter and useless. So, I decided to emigrate to Switzerland because I like to lie and cheat and thought swiss people are stupid. Unfortunately, they found out I wanted to abuse their system and gave me an ass-kick.
That's why I am so frustrated and decided to post so much nonsense on this page.
Again: I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'm the idiot here.Phamos Teina 10 jun 2009, 07:43 - Denunciar -
Dear Phamos
We accept your apologies and thank you for your important contributions on this forum. For your efforts, the JL community would like to honor you with the "pain in the ass" prize, especially made for frustrated, fat wankers such as yourself. Since this is an anonymous forum for cowards like you to troll on, we'd need your adress, as we'd have to send you the prize by mail. Let us know if thats alright with you. We already sent a letter to every nuthouse in the country, as we expect you to be there. If you choose to commit suicide out of joy now, please inform our department for retarded monkey dicks specialized in taking care of people like you. Just remember: Suicide can be a form of redemption, pretty much like just leaving a place and never come back.
office clerk 10 jun 2009, 10:19 - Denunciar -
Don't come to Switzerland if you're not planning to get high.
Hey, hey, I'm swiss. And it's not always easy getting along around here.
I'm sorry for all of you guys who had bad experience traveling there, because I know it is indeed possible to cross this entire country without talking to a single person, or feeling judged or rejected by unknown faces. Well don't take it too personaly, it is most of the cases because people are shy.
If i had met you, I would have gladly shared our excellent weed with you my friends; we would have listened to great music and chilled out at bars or gorgeous spots.
The second day, we would have eaten some mushrooms and gone hitchhiking on a mountain, or gone to an alternative bar, where we don't only discuss about cheese, chocolate and the usual...
And on the third day we would probably have had our hands on some LSD and take it to one of those great summer music festival you can find everywhere right now.
Enjoylôoooo^o^oooozaaaaaane 15 jun 2009, 05:34 - Denunciar -
santeti niste nebuni sa criticati atita
gheorghe brinza 21 jun 2009, 05:26 - Denunciar -
foreign assholes
i'm swiss too, i moved to the states in 85, and worked ever since for nothing and nothing.
dude, you have to see where the swiss are and what they provide,for foreigners and what they give up for the frigging EU. i tell you what, you wanna change place with me and take my place here and i move back to switzerland, be my guest.jay 26 jun 2009, 07:33 - Denunciar -
To ladyliberty
Were you able to atleast read what i posted?
Glock 26 jun 2009, 01:45 - Denunciar
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