Looking for Native-speaking Dutch person, any age, anywhere

  • Greetings,

    I am an American writer currently working on a fiction project that requires some Dutch language input...and I do not speak any Dutch. This will take some months to complete, but will take very little of your time. I will simply occasionally e-mail you a sentence or two (in English), nothing very complex, and ask you to translate into Dutch. There is a small catch, as I'd like someone who knows a little about 17th century Dutch (as opposed to modern), but don't worry; scholarly precision is not required. I'm afraid I can't afford to pay anything, but if this project gets published -- and there's a very good possibility it will -- I will happily give credit on the book (e.g., "Dutch language parts courtesy of [x]"blunk. I want to emphasize that this will *not* be arduous work; we're talking 1-3 fairly simple sentences to translate every few weeks.

    If interested, please contact Tomek at:

    [email removed]

    30 nov 2008, 10:15 Tomek
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  • native-speaking Dutch person

    Hello Tomek
    Are you still looking for translation?
    I'm a Dutch gymnasiast and I think I can help you.

    You can contact me at:
    [email removed]

    albert 07 ene 2009, 01:46 - Denunciar
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