• Hello,

    we are three girls [19,24,25] and are looking for a flat or rooms (can be also separated) in Utrecht, because we are working here.
    We can also share one room, which is no problem for us. We need one new accomodation very urgently, because we have to leave or present accomodation. If we will no find something, we have to leave the Holland. If you need more information, feel free to contact us. We do not make any trouble, because we are working more or less all the day.

    0649727616 [Sweta].
    0633731360 [Anna],
    0633731366 [also Anna],

    Please, we need to find a accomodation very urgently.

    Best regards, we are looking forward to hear from you

    Anna, Sweta, Anna

    17 ene 2006, 12:11 Anonymous
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  • I have a House for rent

    Hello i saw your adverticement now so i decided to contact you. i have a house for rent in Utrecht. am a business man. married with two happy children. my name if David Jonson. am on a business trip right now. but when i check on this site and i saw your advert so i decided to contact you girsl. there is a Flate that will fit you and you friends. but the only thing i dont want in my house is fight. kindly get back to me right now at [email removed]
    but you will have to pay before you can pack in there. and my method of payment is Via Westernunion money transfer. and the cost is just $3000usd for a year. and the falte has 3 bedroom, 3 kitchen, 3bathroom and toilet. a play ground. which i believe it will be convinient for you and your friends. that means you will be seprated from each other but in the same compound so this is my address,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Padualaan 8 3584 CH UtrechtThe Netherlands.
    so kindly get back to me now on this e-mail address so that we can discuss on how to move in.
    [email removed]
    am waiting for your reply.

    Anonymous 18 ene 2006, 04:34 - Denunciar
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