Working on Visit Visa?

  • Hello all.

    I have a question:

    Is it possible to apply for jobs in canada, while visiting one of the states/provinces?

    For instance, if i was visiting Montreal or Vancouver, is it possible and legal to apply for jobs, and in the case i were to get a job, would THAT be legal? If yes, then is it possible to change my visit visa status to a working staus, as in, a work permit?

    Appreciate all the help.

    PS: I have never visited canada.



    29 may 2006, 04:43 Anonymous
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  • applying is legal

    to my understanding applying is legal. for the companies to hire you before demonstrating that you are not filliing a position that could be filled by a Canadian or permanent resident is not.

    Anonymous 29 may 2006, 12:58 - Denunciar
  • Home-Work.

    Thanks for the reply!

    Ok, so thats the trick i guess. I was planning on visiting Montreal and Vancouver this Autumn...
    And i happened to read somewhere that the different provinces have different criterias for permits and what not. Is this true? Which one is most stringent?

    There is obviously a lot to go through in terms of 'home-work' for settling down in Canada. But i also hear that Canada has the most easy immigration laws from any other place. How easy, not too sure.

    I will look into the visit some more before actually ending up there...the larger goal being to get a job and settle down.

    Thanks again for the reply.



    Anonymous 30 may 2006, 04:12 - Denunciar
  • Get the FACTS!


    Actually, Canada has some of the most stringent immigration requirements. It is a fable that Canada is easy to move to. Ask the 5 million people who currently have an active application!

    For instance, the current average wait for 80% of general 'Skilled Worker' Visa applications is 60 months. (That's 5 years! Up from 3 years recently.)

    You are best off to explore the Provincial Nomination Programs (PNP), of which most provinces are participating. This is where the province can request foreign workers for specific skill shortages. The wait for this program is 12-18 months in contrast.

    You can get free support, and more facts about Relocating to Canada at NuPAD Solutions Canada -

    Anonymous 15 jun 2006, 06:05 - Denunciar
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