i want to study MBA in one of germany universities

  • hi
    i have garduated in bussiness management with BA degree in 2006 and i am wprking in one of z government organizations in ethiopia. i do not speak germany but i can speak and write english very well. but i have great problem related with covering my tution fee since my country is very poor. therefore, i want to know any means which will enable me to cover my tution,accomodation and the like expenses.plse tell me in detail as soon as possible.
    i want to learn MBA and help mmy counrty in the poverity reduaction activities.
    here is my emil addtess [email removed]
    plse inform me about any deatils.
    thank you in advance for your cooperation.
    [email removed] or [email removed]

    mulugeta shiferaw 11 jul 2008, 02:34 - Denunciar
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