During your stay in Cambodia

Health precautions & vaccinations

The following is a list of required vaccinations and health precautions you should take both before travel and whilst staying in Cambodia. Consulting a medical specialist six to eight weeks before you leave is also recommended for the most up to date information.

Hepatitis A & B and typhoid vaccinations are recommended for everyone travelling or residing in Cambodia.

Yellow fever vaccine is not necessary, unless you’re coming from a yellow fever infected area.

Japanese encephalitis is important if you’re going to be spending time in rural areas. A series of injections is given from four weeks prior to departure.

Rabies jabs are recommended for anyone likely to be in contact with animals, or rural areas where you might encounter bats. This is also done in a series of injections from 4 weeks prior to departure.

Tetanus-diphtheria is suggested for anyone who has not had a booster in the last 10 years.

Malaria medicine is recommended in all areas of Cambodia, and you should consult a doctor before going so you can be put on an appropriate program. It’s important to note the existence of mefloquine resistant malaria in the areas near to the Thai border. As such this variety of medicine should not be used around this zone.

It’s not advisable to drink the tap water unless it has been appropriately disinfected, for example through boiling or filtering. When possible try to go for bottled water.

Useful emergency information

Ambulances in Cambodia
The emergency phone number for medical assistance is 119. It is the same number for an ambulance regardless of whether you are using a public or private hospital. It is however known to be rather unreliable and sometimes the phone will go unanswered and it can take a long time for the ambulance to arrive.

It is advisable, where possible, to just go directly to a hospital, in Phnom Penh this would be Calmette Hospital, the main one in the city. There is also the International SOS clinic in the city but this is an expensive option. Polyclinique Aurora is also open 24 hours a day and is a good option if money is tight.

For further current health precautions in Cambodia, visit Expat Health Tips: https://expathealth.tips 

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