Swedish Banks

Opening hours and how to open a bank account

Banking is a straightforward process in Sweden, although to open a Swedish bank account you will need to be registered at a Swedish tax office and have a personnummer.

The major banks in Sweden are Handelsbanken, Swedbank, Nordea Bank and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) with branches nationwide. Internet banking is very popular and is free of charge.

Opening hours

Swedish bank branches are generally open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. On Thursdays banks usually close at 6:00 p.m. All banks are closed on weekends and on public holidays.

Opening a bank account

In order to open a bank account in a Swedish bank you will need a personnummer, the Swedish identification number, which provides proof of residence in the country. To obtain this you must go to your local Skatteverket (tax office) and register as a Swedish resident (see visa section). Once this is done, just go to the local branch of your chosen bank with your ID and personnummer. The process is easy and straightforward.

If you do not have personnummer, it is possible in some cases to open a non resident bank account, although smaller branches with less experience of international clients may refuse to do so. Try to go to a bank that has more experience with international clients. Handelsbanken and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) are usually recommended by expats. If you are a student at a Swedish university you will require a registration address, a letter of acceptance from your faculty and ID.

After you successfully complete the procedure you will receive your debit card (Betalkort) in approximately one week. Every bank offers an online banking service, Sweden has one of the highest internet banking rates in the world.

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