Housekeeping staff in Brazil

An affordable luxury

Employing housekeeping staff is very common in the Brazilian middle and upper classes. Foreigners coming to Brazil quickly learn to appreciate this touch of luxury.

The best way to find housekeeping staff is word-of-mouth. Ask your Brazilian friends or colleagues for recommendations. There are also agencies which place domestic workers.

The candidate should provide an identity card (RG) and hold an “employee's record book” (Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social). The employer is legally obliged to enter the employment status into the Carteira.

Advise your employees before they start how to use the specific electrical appliances as the ability of handling this equipment cannot always be taken for granted.

Empregadas, faxineiras and babás

If you need permanent housekeeping you can employ an empregada (housemaid). Empregadas usually live in the same house as the employer who offers them free lodging. They do all kinds of domestic work and also cook simple meals.

Another option is to hire a faxineira or diarista (cleaning lady). The faixineira comes once or several times a week and is paid on a daily basis. An entry into the Carteira is not necessary for a faxineira/diarista.

If you require a nanny ask for a babá. You can also hire a enfermeira (nurse) to look after your children. She is much better qualified but also very expensive.

It is also common to have a motorista (driver). He is a personal chauffeur and is responsible for the maintenance of the car but he also handles minor services.

To hire a caretaker ask for a caseiro. It is also very common to hire a married couple for the jobs of a caseiro and an empregada or a babá. For hiring a security guard ask for segurança. © 2003-2025 Just Landed