Entry Restrictions

People who cannot go to Cyprus

Notwithstanding normal entry requirements, Cyprus has certain entry restrictions (some of which are due to the Turkish invasion of the country in 1974).

You will be refused admission to the country if you fall into any of the following categories:

You may also have problems entering the Republic of Cyprus (and possibly Greece) if you have a northern Cyprus stamp on your passport. This applies to all those entering Cyprus, irrespective of nationality and length of stay.

If you plan to go northern Cyprus, it’s advisable to get immigration officials there to stamp a separate piece of paper on entry, rather than your passport. This is a commonly accepted procedure. If you want to go on a day trip from the Republic of Cyprus to the northern part of the island, the Turkish Cypriot immigration officials will simply give you a day pass and not stamp your passport.

This article is an extract from Buying a Home in Cyprus from Survival Books.

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