State health insurance for foreigners
Is there a State health insurance for foreigners in the US or do I need to get a private one?? Any hints are welcome...
03 Jul 2007, 06:20 Mary
Health care in the US
Hi Mary, the US health system is very complex and in some cases it could happen that you'll need to cough up a lot of -$$$-. Insurance companies in most western countries offer a US health insurance add-on on your holiday insurance. This could cost you up to $50 a month. I urge you to take this seriously because healthcare in the US is a very complex matter and doesn't work as simple as the UK NHS or Aussie Medicare.
Michael 02 Dec 2007, 05:50 - Report -
Hi Mary,
You should have to be care with your health because is an important thing in our live, just in case, if you need any medicine you can buy it on-line and it's safe.
www.trustedprescriptionsonline.comClaire 26 Dec 2007, 10:00 - Report -
I am pregnant and I'll be visiting US for 1-2 months,can I get any pregnancy coverage?what If I deliver my baby prematurely?Sras 18 Jun 2008, 11:53 - Report