a foiregner christian guy looking for help in christian care /charity org /companiesfor a job

  • hello l greet you inthe name of Jesus.l hope lam finding you well.lam a young man from zimbabwe with ambition to study in uk.help to come there by securing me apart time job so that l can pay for my own the school fees.lam a holder of city and guilds diploma in microcomputers technology and A+ certificate technology.lam interested to be in uk by january.you can help in obtaining a tourist visa.l need your help guys.last l got aplace to study in uk but l couldnt because of financial problems.l love the qualifications from uk,look the daughter of former usa president Bill Cliton chelsea clinton did her higher education .why because a qualification from uk is the route into this facsinating world .help me l need your help to secue help from indvidual,organisations.lam prepared for any job which is good in ourGod hands.my name enos denheree [email removed]

    22 Oct 2007, 11:40 enos denhere
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