I need a job for july (2008) in London (near kensington if posible)

  • Hi,
    My name is Luis Uribe, and I live in Spain. I´m planing to speed the following month of July in Kensinton, London. I would like to save some money during this month. Since I´m only 18 and I go to school during the year, I haven`t got a lot of working experience (I have only worked in an olive oil farm during a couple of weeks). I would´t mind working in a bar or a pub as a waitress or helping in a shop.

    The language wont be a problem at all, my English level is quite good. I have lived in a boarding school in England for more than a year and I have a Certificate in Advanced English from the Cambridge University.

    If anyone can offer me any job I´ll be very glad to hear from them.

    Luis Uribe

    05 Jan 2008, 06:41 Luis Uribe
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    Agricultural research Institute need a Reliable and honest person online for more information please contact Michelle Baltimore [email removed] +447024044796

    Michelle Baltimore 10 Jan 2008, 04:07 - Report


    SEND ME A MAIL TO [email removed]

    RANOND BLACK 23 Jan 2008, 04:16 - Report
  • Dear Luis Uribe.

    I am Femida Ally.I worked with Queens hotel in London.I got your post thru Just landed that you need a job in London.I wish to contact you cos my mummy is from Spain.I was employed at Queens Hotel as a waiter in 2006 after I left Italy for the missionary work there.We served at Pope's Logde in Rome.I got to London as you just started,a friend from here helped me thru.My visa,work permit all was secured by him.

    i hope to inform you that there is a job vacancies here were I work.People are bring C.V for review.I wonder if you are interested to work,to send your C.V to the Hr manager's office thru [email removed] for review.

    I hope you call me for more information if you wish to relocte here for work.The company offer us free accomodation,feeding allowances and overtime fee.I can be reached at +447031837766 or thru email:[email removed].

    Tenga un day.Hope agradable para verle gente de here.Good Spainish, land.I de mi madre han estado una vez a España, cuando era 14 con mi momia y hermano Kelvin.Call yo adiós de Luis.Bye y los buenos deseos.


    FEMIDA ALLY. 06 Feb 2008, 08:58 - Report
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