• I am looking for a person who lives in Basel...
    How can i find him on the internet, i have only his name!

    16 Jan 2006, 03:29 Anonymous
These Forums are no longer active. To post a new discussion, please visit our new Switzerland Forums.


  • Answer

    Hi, Give mi his name : I will help you : I live in Switzerland.
    My name is Claudia

    Anonymous 16 Feb 2006, 08:43 - Report

    I am looking for a person who lives in GENEVA
    I want to know if there is a list of telephone numbers, please, HELP ME!
    Where I can search for this list?
    Thanks in advance!
    My name is Gabriela and I live in Brazil

    Anonymous 29 Mar 2006, 02:07 - Report
  • SOS

    try this:

    Anonymous 30 May 2006, 12:32 - Report
  • Lokking for an old frien

    I'm trying to trace an old friend called Judith Beder, who was living in Basle arround 1997 - 2000. Can you help, please. My e-mail address is [email removed]. Thanx

    Daniel Darko 26 Feb 2007, 03:20 - Report
  • badly need medical treatment ?

    need only medical treatment may I get your help?
    my email: [email removed]

    ALI ANEISSI 27 Feb 2007, 06:16 - Report
  • badly need medical treatment calling for help?

    need only medical treatment calling for help?

    my e-mail: [email removed]

    Ali Aneissi

    Ali Aneissi 01 Mar 2007, 11:06 - Report
  • Calling for help?

    Need only medical treatment, may I get help?
    email: [email removed]

    ALI ANEISSI 04 Mar 2007, 08:48 - Report
  • my friend

    I am looking for my old friend who lives in Zürich.His name MUVAFFAK NAMDAR.Please help me

    Ahmet Taylan 04 Apr 2007, 04:03 - Report
  • medical help

    need only medical treatment in Liestal, switzerland may I get your help? my e-mail is [email removed]

    tresa 18 Sep 2007, 02:29 - Report


    MARGIE 23 Dec 2007, 06:27 - Report


    MY EMAIL IS [email removed]

    MARGIE 23 Dec 2007, 06:34 - Report

    My name is Athanas from tanzania I am looking for a friend from switzerland,either boy or a girl who is trustfull.My email is [email removed]

    Athanas B.Mungi 24 Jan 2008, 04:00 - Report
  • find a special person

    My name is claudia i am from angola. i am looking for a very special person who live in geneve. i meet him on my country where he works for 2 years i know he first name and a company name as well. i don`t know if the informations i give is enought, is all i have,in last 8 years i try everthing to find him.He name`s Frederick,very tall 2m ,blue eyes,brown hear. he works for SGS in 1997 to 1999 in luanda capital of Angola.
    If anyone knows that person please contact me on my e-mail [email removed].
    Many thanx for everyony.

    claudia 01 Feb 2008, 06:15 - Report
  • Pappa

    Ich suche meine Vater im Schwitzerland.

    Bert Stähli 07 Feb 2008, 07:42 - Report

    I am Athanas from Tanzania,I am a university student taking a degree in tourism I would like to find someone who can help me find sponsors to start a tour company here in tanzania.In adition I have a knowledege in wildlife and tour opperations.

    Athanas Baltazar Mungi 27 Mar 2008, 03:58 - Report
  • Find a relative in Switzerland

    I am from Chicago, Illinois, looking for a cousin in Switzerland. Her name is Myla Eckstein. I am not sure if she still live in this address: Kerchstr, 38 9400 Rorschach, Swittzerland.

    Luth 03 Apr 2008, 05:45 - Report
  • Searching for a friend

    I'm Isaac, a South African who lost touch with a friend whom I grew up with.The last I heard she was in Zurich,Switzerland.
    I'm desperately looking for her.
    Her name is Jessica Medea Helfer.My email address is
    [email removed]
    Thank you

    Isaac Williams 17 Apr 2008, 03:03 - Report
  • please I need help!

    Iam looking for a person who lives in Zurich...
    How can i find him or call him.

    his name

    Ulrch Fadel
    birth date dec/08/1989 / zurich

    mother name Anja baumann

    my Email: [email removed]

    Muad Alabbadi 28 Apr 2008, 12:24 - Report
  • Ayuda

    Cerco gli Spagnoli, l'italiano o lo svizzero che lo aiutano con una registrazione. Un uomo di 25 - 30 anni di rata 500 franchi ma biglietto del treno dal sussidio.

    [email removed]

    monica 16 May 2008, 08:39 - Report
  • looking for my best friend

    SOS hi im looking for my best friend ho lives in switzerland i have nt seen him for 9 years his name is karim morchid bouanani if you could help find him that will be good
    you can also email me at [email removed]

    azzeddine 30 May 2008, 07:43 - Report
  • Looking for Paloma

    Hi my nem is Moni I am looking for my friend she is Brazilian and she lives in Zuerich area. She went to the Behrufs Schule des Kantons Zuerich. If you know here my email is [email removed]

    Moni 05 Jun 2008, 09:56 - Report
  • friendship and marriage.

    hi I need a girl friend in switzerland for

    friendship and marry with her if she want.

    I am a medicine doctor. my age is 38

    I am very young and beautiful.

    I will be very glad if she send me a

    message by my email [email removed]

    mohammad al oqlah 09 Jun 2008, 12:25 - Report
  • Montains Pictures


    My name is Julie. I live in Brazil and I am looking for photos of the switzerland montain and others, to meet the beautiful places around the world. You can send to [email removed]. I hope your message!

    Julie 12 Jun 2008, 05:57 - Report
  • Try this:

    Dan Shutlz 19 Jun 2008, 12:32 - Report
  • looking for a old friend

    my name is Agnes,I am looking for a old friend living in Geneve, I met him 1971 on the boat from Hong Kong to Taiwan. His name is Dany Baer

    Agnes Au 14 Jul 2008, 08:11 - Report
  • sos appeals

    sos appeal to a kind hearted philanthropist
    dear sir/madam
    i am sri lankan married man with one children. living in utter poverty with any income we urgently need your help for our survival. on contact i will provide all the necessary details about my predicament. god bless you1! ([email removed]) 2008/07/29

    samarasinghe 29 Jul 2008, 11:29 - Report
  • I come from CHINA

    Would u like to have a friend in CHINA?
    PLS contact me

    MSN: [email removed] (my email too)

    jeffrey 30 Jul 2008, 06:22 - Report
  • Looking for :-

    Looking for a family i worked for in 1977 name of Heidi and Herbie Dimmeler They had three sons that i looked after for about 8 months. Would love to no how they all are. Please can anyone help?

    Valma Bromley nee Holmes 04 Aug 2008, 11:41 - Report
  • llooking for

    hi iam khaled from jordan .im looking for frend in swetzrland hes phone number .

    khaled 06 Aug 2008, 11:18 - Report
  • Please do your best to help i need him!

    Hi im from ireland i was on my holidays in portugal in june i stayed in lagos in the algarve there was this boy there i never got his name or contact info. but im almost sure he was swiss he was tall blonde hair and fair skin around 16 id say he had a younger brother also and stayed in the marina club in June! If you have any info on him please please please let me no! I miss him!

    RA 11 Aug 2008, 10:12 - Report
  • I'm desperate looking for

    I am looking for a man who lives in Switzerland; I think that he lives in Baden. I just want to know his telephone number (house or office), his home address or the electronic address (e-mail). It is a very delicate situation, because my husband is happening (passing) for a deep depression. He is my husband’s biological father. The person, who wanted to help, has to be very reserved and needs a very confidential treatment (deal). If you want to be in contact with me I could give more information.
    Thank you in advance for your collaboration.
    My e-mail is: [email removed]

    Lorena 13 Aug 2008, 08:11 - Report
  • SOS

    I`m looking for person who lives in cehawill in city od solothurn,,his name is Serdar Yldirim..
    He has born 12.4.1976,, Please help me to find him

    Aldijana 14 Aug 2008, 06:53 - Report
  • SOS

    My mail is [email removed]

    Aldijana 14 Aug 2008, 06:55 - Report
  • Someone in Geneva??

    Hi!! I'm a Spanish student of 21 and I'm going to spend next year studing in Geneva. I would like to meet as many native people as possible so as to know the country and its culture better. If anyone anyone is interested, send me an e-mail. Thank U!!! (I'll be in Geneva from 9th September to the end of July)

    Belenxu 05 Sep 2008, 05:50 - Report


    Andrea 01 Oct 2008, 01:10 - Report
  • i want to know the number of my love who live in switzerland she called sarah jenfier stacho

    i want to know the number of my love who live in switzerland she called sarah jenfier stacho send her numder to my email [email removed]

    mohamed mohamed rashed 06 Oct 2008, 10:12 - Report
  • veronica leggi!!!

    ciao veronica, sono andrea. Ci siamo conosciuti a Djierba. spero tu legga questo messaggio... non so come possa succedere a dire il vero. Se solo fossi sicuro che nn mi scrivi di proposito.... ma forse hai perso l'indirizzo.
    [email removed] il mio indirizzo.

    ANdrea 08 Oct 2008, 12:25 - Report
  • search

    i looking for a women from canada his name is roselin she is a manger of canada hotel and this is my email [email removed]

    muhammed ali from libya 06 Nov 2008, 09:20 - Report
  • I have training in Abb, I need help

    I will come to Switzerland-baden for Training in ABB Company for 25day ,I need to live with any family or woman please, I can give money
    my mane is Taha, 26year old, i'am from Yemen.
    contact me on my E-mail:
    [email removed]
    I will come in 5/1/2008

    Taha Mohammed Ali Noman 07 Nov 2008, 05:59 - Report
  • Help me , save me pleased

    hola, no se quien soy, sufro de amnesia desde hace 5 años,tengo 22 años ahora vivo en ARGENTINA, no recuerdo nada, solo se que me desperte en un hospital me dijeron que no tenia ningun daño, solo se me encontro desmayado en la calle.pase 3 años en un hogar-escuela para chicos carensiados y huerfanos.lo unico que se es que tengo facilidades para aprender y deducir cosas que nunca antes experimente, dedusco que deben ser recuerdos pequeños. tengo facilidad para la computacion y hablar idiomas, la gente que me conoce me dice que mi acento es raro, que no es de por aquí, no es de el continente americano,entonces ni siquiera soy Argentino?, no estoy en ninguna base de datos en el país, en sudamerica tampoco, nadie me reclamo y pregunto por mi.hace 2 años trabajo y vivo solo, no tengo dinero, no tengo amigos, lo unico que llevo a cabo despues de trabajar es investigar sobre mi pasado, no tengo muchos elementos. lo unico que puedo decir es que ahora me llamo "Maximo",si alguna persona sabe quien soy o como ayudarme , o simplemente quiere ser mi amigo/a, este es mi correo electronico: [email removed] gracias, por favor ayudenme, save me!!!!!!!!!

    WHO ARE ME? 08 Nov 2008, 05:00 - Report
  • Looking for my lost friend - Paul Gether of Zurich

    Met him in Nadi, Fiji in 1993?

    Please can someone help me to find Paul Gether. I remember he had a friend named Gino(?)

    I think he was from Zurich, not sure of his present address

    I will really appreciate if someone can assit me please to find Paul (Iam not sure if his surname is correct)

    Thanks you
    Best regards

    Anonymous 10 Nov 2008, 06:22 - Report
  • dorothea stich

    i am looking for her i spent 19 days with her in1991 i lost touch with her since 1999
    last address was in gunzwil

    diane bernard 12 Nov 2008, 12:50 - Report

    I'm looking for an old friend who moved from Denmark to Schweiz when she was about 10 years old. Her Danish name is Maria Hermansen and she is about 24 year old. I hope that someone can help me. happy

    [email removed]

    Line 18 Nov 2008, 08:39 - Report
  • retards

    wow this thread is so f***ed-up

    reM 29 Nov 2008, 03:36 - Report
  • I need to find him

    I look for man is name Abel, we meet in Barcelona last year,me and I spent beatuful time together. Sorry my english is not well.I don't know last name, he works in Zurich with computer.If you read I am Russian girl, you remember?

    Katja 06 Dec 2008, 10:45 - Report
  • looking for joe myer of switzerland

    hi im looking for a swiss man called joe meyer he visted a place called poole in dorset in england in 1993 as a student with his friend raymond they would be about 32 now any help would be great thanks my email is [email removed] thanks

    claire 15 Dec 2008, 05:54 - Report
  • looking for your old friend paul gether

    Hi this is Paul. I just got an input from my friend Gino that someone is looking for me? Well then write me on my e-mail [email removed]

    Paul 22 Dec 2008, 04:50 - Report
  • Looking for a person named verena widmer lived in 8 th str.bacher at ZURICH in 1978

    hello this is riyazuddin.mohammed searching 4 verena widmer lived in 8 th str.bacher at ZURICH in 1978 ......she was my pen frnd.........want to cong.....merry chrismas....!!!

    if u find any details please mail me at [email removed]

    Mr.mohammed riyazuddin 22 Dec 2008, 08:05 - Report
  • Looking for a person named verena widmer lived in 8 th str.bacher at ZURICH in 1978

    hello this is riyazuddin.mohammed searching 4 verena widmer lived in 8 th str.bacher at ZURICH in 1978 ......she was my pen frnd.........want to cong.....merry chrismas....!!!

    if u find any details please mail me at [email removed]

    Mr.mohammed riyazuddin 22 Dec 2008, 08:22 - Report
  • looking for a life partner

    my name is ali i am male and 26 years old i am looking 4 a life partner,
    if any bdy is intrested plz do contact my mail id is...
    [email removed]

    ALI 06 Jan 2009, 04:27 - Report
These Forums are no longer active. To post a new discussion, please visit our new Switzerland Forums.