Carefull w. Fraudster Dan in Marbella

  • ACHTUNG: Betrüger in Marbella

    Dan Sela, +447748274400 + +442079317997 0034/666999738 Email [email removed]

    02 Oct 2005, 02:02 Anonymous
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  • From Liz

    Hi, How I said in my last message -Manipulation of Facts- There are A lot of contradictions in this case, the people need to put all information:

    I saw the famous PROOF against Dan from Janice in you toube, it is just a video EDITED BY HERSELF where in the begining she posted a message again Mr. Sela and the video is exactly the part of the several repetitions that CANAL N make for promoting the congress. This act just show something that all peru watched on the t.v. during a weekend before the congress. On the other hand, that video is a PROOF that indeed Channel N sponsor the event with promotion, a live interview via microwaves and the repetitions that made during that weekend, although Janice says the opposite. The original video with the complete interview does not appear in the video manipulated by Janice. As I previously said I have an recorded copy of the tv of the original one, I cannot incur in a crime of copyright as Janice did it, in you toube and I could publish it just with the corresponding authorization.

    2.-NO Money back.
    It is important that those that have interposed a claim against Mr. Sela, understand that they are not going to be able to obtain the money back as soon as thought. This kind of processes can take months or years, and in conclusion no one of the affected assumptions is going to have the money back before the process finis. Just in case that Mr. Sela WANTS to give the money before finish the process, he can do it, BUT I am completely sure that it will be use it to his favor and the affected ones they will have to sign a document that certifies that they received the money. As lawyer I can recommend Mr. Sela DOES NOT GIVE BACK ANY MONEY until everything is clarified, because to give back the money it does not change the situation. And at the end of the process if the judge orders to even give back to the money obligatorily, each one of the affected assumptions will must that to sign a paper personally probatory document in Lima, which indicates that they will must that to travel if is that they wanted to have the money. So, I think this case wil go to be on file.

    3. INDECOPY.
    I can recommend to Mr. Sela to put a claim in INDECOPY againts Hotel España and Pilar Galicia if he does not did it yet. A week ago, I saw a news paper article in apopular new spaper in Peru, the reporter said that hotel and apparently already has had problems previously, I suggest do something in indecopy.

    4.-I will try to ask the permiss to publish the video of canal N and Panamericana, sponsosrs of the congress.

    Liz 15 Apr 2007, 01:06 - Report
  • that video on Youtube

    let's discuss that shall we?
    I was informed by a contact in Mexico that he had been sent a link to the clip, posted by Mauricio Triana, by way of publicity for the planned Cancun congress. Under the circumstances I thought it was only fair to alert people viewing it that it never took place. After all if Dan Sela cannot afford to replay the debts he has here how can he afford to still put on a congress in Cancun?
    The clip I used is the original one that Dan asked me to load onto my laptop a few days before the congress and zip so that he could email it to someone.
    The OTHER clip - the one from the OTHER Canal N news program - the one taken in the police station when they filmed Dan and Gina in handcuffs - the one where they state that he used the logo without permission - is currently being copied from tape to disk and should be online soon.

    Janice Walker 15 Apr 2007, 06:34 - Report

    The facts are there was NO EXEPTIONAL award onlt a letter asking for information, this is misrepresentation and was being used to gain investors in Sela Robotix and in the Latino Center in Marbella.

    Fact Sela Robotix was closed down as accounts were not provided.

    Fact you are 49 old man and a LIAR.

    I repeat I have nothing to do with Jaice as I have been on this web site publisising you for over a year and more will come out from others you cheated.

    Anon 16 Apr 2007, 04:28 - Report
  • The other Canal N clip

    From Liz 14th April 2007
    I saw the famous PROOF against Dan from Janice in you toube, it is just a video EDITED BY HERSELF where in the begining she posted a message again Mr. Sela and the video is exactly the part of the several repetitions that CANAL N make for promoting the congress. This act just show something that all peru watched on the t.v. during a weekend before the congress. On the other hand, that video is a PROOF that indeed Channel N sponsor the event with promotion, a live interview via microwaves and the repetitions that made during that weekend, although Janice says the opposite. The original video with the complete interview does not appear in the video manipulated by Janice. As I previously said I have an recorded copy of the tv of the original one, I cannot incur in a crime of copyright as Janice did it, in you toube and I could publish it just with the corresponding authorization
    4.-I will try to ask the permiss to publish the video of canal N and Panamericana, sponsosrs of the congress.

    An interesting point about “Liz” is the comment “I cannot incur in a crime of copyright….” I cannot??? Surely if you are Liz then you meant “Dan cannot” or would this be yet another “DAN” post.
    Another interesting comment “it is it is just a video EDITED BY HERSELF….the video is exactly the part…” well which is it? An edited version or an exact copy – can’t be both.

    I will repeat that the first Canal N video I put on Youtube is the original one that Dan Sela requested I put on my laptop. Both the video that I posted and the one that Mauricio Triano posted on Dan’s behalf are identical except for the comment I put at the front and I cut it short because the dancing was boring – manipulation?

    Proof that Canal N were sponsors of the event?
    As promised I have uploaded onto Youtube the OTHER clip that Canal N filmed, in the police station just before Dan and Gina were led away in handcuffs – they filmed that too but unfortunately didn’t air it. You can see that I recorded it on my camera as it was shown on TV. Note particularly the part where they say that their logo was used without authorization and that they in no way sponsored or were associated with the event or the people organising it.

    Apologies for the logo across the film – I had to use use free software to convert the complete contents of the cassette from my camera to a format that I could cut – I’m sure you didn’t want to see my holiday pics as well.

    View the clip here:

    Janice Walker 21 Apr 2007, 07:26 - Report
  • dan sela


    UNO QUE SABE... 25 Apr 2007, 11:21 - Report

    Cet homme, si on peut cela un homme, est un escroc international. Il est recherche en Grande bretagne , en Espagne et au Canada. Ce qu'il ne sait pas encore c'est qu'Interpol a lance une poursuite internationale contre lui et qu'il peut etre arrete a chaque passage de frontiere. Il ne rendra jamais les sommes enormes qu'il a volees mais ne pourra probablement pus faire de mal a personne.

    Claude LEDUC 22 rue Jacob Paris 75006 26 Apr 2007, 12:19 - Report
  • Dan Sela usa nombres de famosos para sus estafas

    Yo fui una de las victimas de la estafa de este
    señor, y ademas utilizó el nombre de mi orquesta((Azúcar Negra) para promover sus falsos Eventos.

    Leonel Limonta
    Director y Compositor de Azucar Negra
    Tel. +537.94.84.45 (Cuba)

    Leonel Limonta 03 May 2007, 12:39 - Report
  • people of integrity

    Several people have forwarded me Dan Sela's newsletter where he is now promoting "con"gresses and/or events in Cancun, Mexico City, Acapulco, Panama, Italy, Germany, France, Spain etc etc and he is also trying to find investors for something in Miami.
    I have copied part of that newsletter below with a listing of people having confirmed to perform in Cancun. If your name is on there and you have not agreed to be part of this event please put the record straight here, I already have communications from many of his so-called sponsors who have had their names and reputations used and abused in this way without their knowledge.
    If you have agreed to be a part of it I wish you good luck but would ask that you please be careful.

    Quote from Newsletter:


    For FIRST TIME in Mexico a Cuban Congress!!!, CONFIRM, at the Gran Caribe Real Resorts Hotel in Cancun,Quintana Roo.

    Please open: (soon available).


    ALBERTO VALDES and Clave Negra from Milan, Italy, SEO and Latin Black from Milan, Italy , MAURICIO TRIANA and Salseros por Excelencia from Lima, Peru, NESTOR RIUS and Sabor y Cach? from Mexico City, Willy Del Castillo and Arte Danzario "Jos? Lim?n" from Cancun, Mexico, and Wynn Johanssonde TROPICANA STOCKHOLM,and much more to confirm!!

    End Quote

    The only thing that will stop other people from being defrauded is for people of integrity like Claude and Lionel to help warn people without hiding behind anonymity. Some have good reasons for remaining anonymous but I know several people who have lost money but just can’t be bothered to do anything – they would rather someone else did all the work.
    It’s time for people who know the truth to stand up and be counted. Remember the old saying – “All that is needed for evil to thrive is for good men (and women) to do nothing”

    Janice Walker 04 May 2007, 11:18 - Report
  • Néstor Rius & Sabor y Cache de México

    Hola Dan:

    Un saludo, parece que eres un tipo que entiende bien poco las cosas. Te pedí hace rato me sacaras a mí, mi nombre o estudio de baile de tus eventos y sigues promocionando cosas donde aparece, te pedimos amablemente dejes de hacerlo o tomaremos medidas legales con Migración mexicana cuando pongas un pie por acá. Por favor, sé prudente, no nos me metas en tus líos, recuerda ya no eres un niño o acaso no te bastó lo de Perú. Ya la comunidad salsera está al tanto de todo.

    Néstor y Adriana

    Néstor 21 May 2007, 11:17 - Report
  • !!!

    zorro 28 May 2007, 07:33 - Report
  • supuesto nuevo congreso

    Hola es muy importante que ya hayan aprendido sobre lo que paso con el señor dan sela espero que si acerca de el supuesto congreso de salsa básicamente ahora se tiene proyecto de un nuevo congreso en este año pero este congreso será transmitido por televisión así que esperamos que no se dejen sorprender por otro de este tipo solamente busquen en Internet en nombre de el señor Luis zegarra es un gran promotor de congresos en el mundo que también trabaja de la mano con el señor Albert torres que es el organizador de la competencia mundial de la salsa bueno así que ya saben quienes serna los verdaderos organizadores de congresos en el futuro en Perú y no se dejen sorprender ni por peruanos ni por extranjeros solo me cabe recalcar que no todo lo que sea un congreso tiene que ser muy caro recuerdan que esto es Perú ok

    saoco dance lima peru 04 Jun 2007, 05:30 - Report
  • Dan Sela in Jail ??

    Where is Dan the fraud anyone know? he has gone quiet on this site, has he paid back the money fronm the Peru salsa scam?

    Justice 03 Jul 2007, 05:32 - Report
  • sela´s hat

    sela must be convincing kids to play with his name at to never pay them back, haha

    ps: ¿how could any of you have trusted in a guy with such a hat?

    dan sela don´t sell me 06 Jul 2007, 02:34 - Report
  • no refunds

    he has not paid back one penny nor offered one word of apology. On the contrary he has been busy trying to do the same thing in Mexico and in other South American countries. He is using a TV clip, which I appeared in when I believed the congress to be genuine, to promote it by making out that Lima was a big success.

    Janice Walker 13 Jul 2007, 04:54 - Report
  • Dan Sela takes your money and runs!

    Dan is very slicy boy with inresting stories about his investments about salsa congress ,but dont give him no money you loose 100 %
    Irja saikkonen
    AKTA DET HÄR MANNEN DAN SELA SALSA 100 % money borta .

    Irja saikkonen 10 Sep 2007, 01:43 - Report
  • Dan SELA very good cleaner anyway but dancing I doubt

    I remember summer I think 2005 Dan was Trying to do his salsa gongress Marbella for summer 2006 what i know now It newer happen.He was very poor boy I gave him food and place to sleep for 2 months ,But he was cleanig for me making dishes driving my car but salsa teaching i didnt like he was a bad teacher no rythm in his body i think he is old soldier boy from Israel army and that make him doing his dans steps like in a march in army.
    I lend him some money 100 euro for his projekt but I think all those money he put on eating And then I flied to Stockholm and he had to move,What I heard later someone had seen him sleeping in the beach of Marbella and after that no one have seen him in Marbella,
    I think anyway he is a good worker like cleaning cyrring things and so on .

    Irja Saikkonen 11 Sep 2007, 04:23 - Report

    Its obvious that Anonymous, Issac Altman CEO of WSF, Sarah-The Netherlands, Let's Just call me John, Anon, Uno que sabe, Claude LEDUC, Zorro, Justice, Sela's Hat and Irja Saikkonnen, ARE THE SAME BASTARD COWARD PERSON LIER THAT HIDE BEHAND THE ANONYMITY. Where are your profs? jajajjaja So simple, you do not have it because your lies ARE LIES!

    We know you, we know who you are, you think you are safe because you hide your real name and you change it several times. And the most important: WE KNOW WHY YOU DO ALL THIS JOB. And this reason is so embarasing for you. Do not you? jajaja.

    You ARE IN DEEP SHIT. The true is coming soon.

    So bastard, you are a LOOSER, and really you depressing us, you dont have own life, You will wish to be Dan Sela, but when your mother shit you, I mean when you were born, you did not have this BIG LUCK. LOOSER.

    Actually, you must to find something else to do. Your game its over, and soon will be OFFICIALY SO OVER. So start to save money. because your mess is already be paying by you.

    After all that I feel so sorry about you. A person that does not have woman, wife, girlfriend, no family, no dog barking, NOTHING is the onlyone that has all this time to play this game. You boring us! LOOSER.


    Adios culero, hijo de la verga.

    Your mama and papa 20 Sep 2007, 08:18 - Report
  • DAN SELA on the run

    It seems that the truth hurts you, it is you that runs from country to country with lies and and cheating schemes. That is clear from all your claims in your various web claims .You even lie that you are 10 years younger,trust you had a good 50th birthday.
    What are you really Judo expert ? haha. Engineer? Ha Ha
    Dancer ?? hahaha. Cleaner well that may be more like it.
    The common link is you try to get people to invest in your latest cons and cheat money from people in whatever you do.

    Anon 21 Sep 2007, 06:13 - Report
  • Dan Sela = Sela-Salsa = FRAUD in diferent countries

    we have been aproached to invest with a partnership in his Sela-Salsa-congres Marbella, lucky enough we found that warning here, so we did not give him a cent!

    Thank you people for the warning against Dan Sela, he is a very clever thief and fraudster, careful!

    Frank Lindner, E 29600 Marbella, Aptdo de correo 654 25 Sep 2007, 10:55 - Report
  • thank you for solving a mystery

    after he'd laid low for a few months I wondered why he suddenly started posting libellous videos on youtube about me.
    He's not very bright as he's the only one who had that particular video so it's obvious who posted it.

    Frank I'm very pleased to hear that this information has saved you from being conned - I only wish I'd seen it in time.

    What a sad pathetic little man.

    Janice Walker 25 Sep 2007, 07:18 - Report
  • Janice Walker is HYPOCRITE

    I knew it, I saw the video on you tube of this bitch who tried to sale me the "congress" when I was in Cusco. This bitch is an HYPOCRITE, I saw your video, for sure you share all this shit with sela. I saw also your picture in internet where you are making a tv promotion with sela and you and him are huging each other. Damn bitch! you are HYPOCRITE and FALSE. Stop to come here to make yourself victim when you were promoting this event in radio, tv and clubs in Cusco as I told before. THI IS YOUR UGLY TRUE , i was almost deceived but this ugly bitch. I suspected that something wrong was happening with this Bitch because she pushing me so hard to give her money. YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM, SAY THE TRUE. You almost fraud me. You have no shame.

    This is the video:

    And please take some lessons, DID YOU SUPOSSE TO TEACH IN THAT CONGRESS?! ha ha ha ...learn to dance first. Bitch, mental seek.

    Fredo 29 Sep 2007, 02:05 - Report
  • After so long time any evidence?

    Wow, after the "victim" janice walker started to put garbage in this forum has happened 7 months,.. Do not you have any evidence?...after the slanderer and difamator Frank Lidner opened this forum has happened 2 years,..Do not you have any evidence?
    Ha ha ha What a way to loose time and life!

    I recomend you guys, get a own life.

    Bye Fools!

    Liz Liberman 29 Sep 2007, 02:22 - Report
  • interesting timing

    strange that this has been quiet for all this time then Dan loses a mark in Marbella and it all starts up again.
    So again we have a vendetta and hate campaign against me personally and professionally in a pathetic attempt to divert attention from the real crook, Dan Sela.
    Still, if it makes you happy to post your silly things on youtube and delete all the positive comments that were posted on it by many of my satisfied students then carry on. I doubt if you have the wit or conscience to think of how this helps Dan Sela's next victims but if this is the only way you can brighten up your sad little lives then go ahead, I'm glad I can help.

    Oh and by the way - evidence? Ooooooh yes, I have a stack of it - far more than has been mentioned on here. Do you?

    Janice Walker 29 Sep 2007, 06:33 - Report
  • ha ha ha ha

    Ohh yes, your evidence is VERY STRONG, ANONYMOUS AND CONVINCING, no doubts! This is why Dan is in jail right now, ha ha ha, happy

    FIRST: I would like to remind you, dear janice, that you were the first one that post a video in youtube, edited by YOU, slandering and defamating Dan, and it was of the dan´s video show in channel N, that he gave to you, as I told severals months ago. So if you were agree to enter in this GAME you need to accept when you LOOSE and that you ARE NOT the only one that can post videos in youtube, and also, you must to RESPECT OTHER´S FREEDOM SPEECH, mmm? So according with this, if you were defending this right, so others can say whatever they want about you, dont you?....SO DON´T COME HERE WITH YOUR DOUBLE MORAL, because the little woman are you.

    SECOND: I didn´t see any positive message for you on youtube, I saw very bad comments about you.Apparently nobody wants you in cusco. And according with this comments the Co-woman are you.

    THIRD: If you have been able to speak very bad about your own dance partner and "FRIEND" Enrique Huangal, in your own website, What can your enemy Dan Sela expect from you?..IMAGINE!! For that reason, it´s nobody´s surprise your SO FAILED bad comments trying (JUST TRYING!) destroy him.

    QUARTER: Really, my sweet heart janice, you need to go back to your OWN LIFE, because as you for sure know, Dan Sela actually don´t give a SHIT about you, this forum and your hobbie of slanderer. Beleave me, he continues with his normal life, working, dancing, teaching in all the places and countries that to him one feel like to him and NOBODY can do nothing. SUFFERS WHO SUFFERS, thus is and thus will continue being. So, distracting the attention? attention in what exactly?..Ohh yes,this forum, with STRONG EVIDENCE...ha ha ha, I think nobody put attention on you, in any way!!! ha ha ha ha

    FIFTH: I hope that Dan takes legal actions against the responsible for all these lies and slanders. I hope that after 2 years to that full forum of lies was opened and that still there is no evidence of which it blames to him, people makes their own conclusions. Because this forum is just wordinesses and rumors that have tried vainly to destroy to our friend Dan Sela, we have decided after a pair of months to ignore it absolutely. And we supported in everything to Dan, encouraging him to takes pertinent legal actions and to put in the jail to those idle ones that they have tried to discredit him.

    SIXTH: Janice, please take some lessons with some teacher, and just after try to teach to other, ok?

    SEVENTH: Dan: if you get to read this message, I hope that you can forgive us for to have doubted of you. Sorry my friend sad!, we extend our support to you, and we wished luck you for all your projects and your life. We are human beings and we can be mistaken, now, we just can tell you, continue fighting and go ahead with the high forehead. WE LOVE YOU, we didn´t forget you, we wait for you and WE ARE WITH YOU.

    Good Luck!

    Liz Liberman 30 Sep 2007, 11:53 - Report
  • Dan Sela a Fraud

    Anyone seen the youtube clips posted by Sela its hard to tell if he is teaching or being taught and as the lady said in the earlier posting his action looks like he is in an army march. I suppose it takes more than 5 years to learn to dance so keep learing Mr Sela it must get harder now your over 50.
    Perhaps better stick to cleaning.
    If he is charging for lessons then its another fraud!

    Anon 19 Oct 2007, 04:50 - Report
  • Dan Sela

    I am was an investor in Sela Robotix (UK) Ltd and was also asked to invest in Sela Robotix Corp. I was then asked to lend him yet more money because he hadn't eaten in several days, was spending all the hours going to develop his 'invention' and to float on the stock exchange. He then did a runner and turns up in Marbella (like a lot of crooks) and starts teaching Salsa. How he found the time and money to do this I'll never know.....oh yes of course, he didn't, he's a fraudster! He also told me he has a wife and two children in Israel and misses them dearly and he was also a major in the Israeli army.

    Anon for obvious reasons 31 Oct 2007, 05:25 - Report
  • Dan Sela

    ...oh yes, and he has a black belt in karate and his company is going to be worth billions when it floats......

    Anon for obvious reasons 31 Oct 2007, 06:13 - Report
  • Dan Sela little man oooooooooooooooooooo

    Dan Sela,

    you know what you have done and you also know that when judgement day comes you will be judged on the basis of your life.

    So little man do the right thing and hand the money backto my friend over at SALSA PERU.

    Do not play with fire if you do not want to get burned.
    stop messing around and walk away.
    I am watching !!!!!

    Subzero ( <----- Lawyer for SALSA PERU) 22 Nov 2007, 08:42 - Report
  • dan sela

    creo que dan sela es buena persona solo que no sabe hacer las cosas

    charly 27 Nov 2007, 06:04 - Report
  • a la viejita janice

    hola lei mucho sobre este problema pero lo que salta a la vista es que eres muerta pòr el dinero que pena me das por que careces de alma eres muy materialista y eres de personas sin escrupulos yo no se por que no te vas a tu pais

    charli 27 Nov 2007, 07:00 - Report
  • facts

    if Dan Sela is such a wonderful person why doesn't he just pay us, the victims of the Lima fraud, what he owes us?

    FACT I paid $400 for 2 passes
    FACT I loaned him a further $290
    FACT I did not sell any passes or take anyone's money
    FACT all I have had in return is this hate campaign waged by him ANONYMOUSLY (like we're really that stupid) to try to draw attention away from his criminal behaviour
    FACT I stand by everything I have said here and elsewhere, everything I have said can and will be backed up in a court of law
    FACT Dan Sela and his friends are too gutless to post their true identities - obviously they have lots to hide - I DO NOT
    FACT If you think that this pathetic playground behaviour will make me leave Perú or change my life in any way than you are even more stupid than I originally thought - I didn't think that was possible.

    Janice Walker 01 Dec 2007, 04:44 - Report
  • que odio?

    se nota que tu corazon guarda mucho rencor si te paso este adsurdo a lo heccho pecho me das pena se nota que estas sola por nque el chico con quien bailas dijo que solo esta a tu lado por conveniencia y que estas muy bieja para la salsa y por eso nadie se toma calse de salsa entiendelo si el dice eso yo creo que es verdad te doy un consejo vete del peru aui no queremos viejas bailando salsa o mejor si tu puedes hacer cirujia todo el cuerpo estaria magnific

    anonimus 02 Dec 2007, 08:18 - Report
  • la razon por este foro / the reason for this forum

    The purpose of this forum is to publicise the frauds of DAN SELA in order to prevent other people from being ripped off the way I and many others have been. My age, private life, marital status etc. have no bearing on any of this and are no ones business but mine. They are a pathetically obvious diversionary tactic by Sela and his brichero friends from the sleazier Cusco discoteques, all of whom hide in cowardice behind anonymity. Shame they are too stupid to realise how this reflects more on their lack of character and integrity than anything else.

    Perhaps you could take your hate campaigns to a more appropriate forum and leave this one to people posting facts openly and honestly.
    el proposito de este foro es publicar los fraudes de DAN SELA para previeren que otras personas sean defraudado en el modo en que yo y otras personas lo hemos sido. Mi edad, mi vida privada, mi estado civil, no es asunto de nadie mas sino mio. Hay tacticas patetica de distracción usadas por SELA y sus amigos bricheros de unos discotecas malos del Cusco, todos se esconden el anonimato, son demasiado estupidos para darse cuenta como esto se refleja mas en su falta de caracter e integridad

    Quizás pueda tomar sus campañas de odio a un foro más adecuado y deja éste a las personas desplazamiento hechos con franqueza y sinceridad.

    Janice Walker 03 Dec 2007, 08:51 - Report
  • janice

    que es para un gringo 200 dolares que patetica eeres janice lalo que hace la vejes

    fredo 04 Dec 2007, 05:45 - Report
  • old janice

    que tal querida como te va hay muchas personas que te quieren y otras que te odiamos pero yo creo que hay mas personas que sentimos pena por ti estas tan tan vieja hay un hogar de viejitos por que tu no enseñas salsa a ellos ? jajaajajajajj

    liz 10 Dec 2007, 05:06 - Report
  • SELA Miami beware

    MIAMI beware I see Sela is re inventing himself at another sala centre in Miami and no doubt looking for investors, none of his business ventures ever happen and investors loose their money.Look at the Robotics company the Spanish Latino center Marbella and the so called congess that he tries to run everyone looses out.Can someone notify the USA immigration about his background

    Annon 20 Feb 2008, 07:38 - Report
  • One year on.....

    ... still no refunds, apologies or acknowledgements of his wrongdoings and Sela continues to promote more Con-gresses and continues with his pathetic hate campaigns against some of the complainants in the Lima fraud.

    Don't think we have forgotten you Sela cos it aint gonna happen as long as you owe us money.

    Janice Walker 25 Feb 2008, 06:48 - Report
  • Sela Alert

    I just saw the web site sela has posted an update and says he will be back in Marbella in July August.
    Says he is a teacher haha
    He also posts his profile Ha ha
    Age 40 reality is he is 50
    says he is single actually married
    Says no children actually has 2
    Anyone wishing to collect debts can arrange to collect but suggest a proffesional.

    Annon. 11 Mar 2008, 09:42 - Report
  • 19 november 2008 LIMA

    Dan Sela was staying in a Backpackers hostal during July this year 2008 in Lima. He left, never paid his bill and his passport and possessions are still with the hostal owner. A member of Minihostals in Marquez de Torre Tagle, Miraflores.

    Paul 20 Nov 2008, 03:50 - Report
  • Latest information

    What's the latest on Dan Sela?

    Sarah 26 Feb 2009, 10:44 - Report
  • Dan Sela a cone man that made loose 10000 B/Pounds

    In buying shares of sela robbotix!!
    Actuly the guy is an inteligent mechanic engneer
    who design & plan a smart robbot.

    however he destroy himself and others
    i hope he will be in jail 4 the rest of his stupid life

    eli 07 Apr 2009, 12:25 - Report
  • Gana y ayuda

    Hola, mi nombre es Matx y quiero compartir contigo un método extraordinario que estoy seguro cambiará tu vida de forma definitiva. Este método que estoy a punto de compartir contigo ha sido comprobado por miles de personas de todo el mundo por mas de 10 años con asombrosos resultados. TU TIEMPO es el tesoro mas valioso que tienes y lo que pretendo el día de hoy es enseñarte cómo será posible que dispongas de éste invaluable recurso como a ti te plazca sin sentirte esclavizado a ningún tipo de sistema u organización. Es por eso que lo que estoy a punto de compartir contigo va a permitir que:

    1. No tengas que preocuparte por la crisis económica que azota actualmente a todo el mundo.
    2. Seas capaz de eliminar tus deudas por completo en muy poco tiempo.
    3. Puedas en verdad disfrutar de tu vida teniendo una increíble tranquilidad que jamás habías experimentado antes, y ¡Muchísimo tiempo libre!
    4. Revivas aquellos anhelos y sueños que creíste jamás alcanzarías y que ahora podrás convertirlos en una realidad tangible en tu vida.

    Si deseas saber más al respecto contáctame a [email removed] con título de asunto “Quiero dejar de Trabajar” y te responderé de inmediato cómo será posible que lo logres. Visita ésta página para que veas el mensaje completo

    Con toda sinceridad, Tu amigo Matx.

    matxma 28 Apr 2009, 12:01 - Report

    Hola amigo!
    Donde estas? Supongo que te recuerdas de mi, no creo todas estas cosas feas y aun quiero estar contigo en negocios. La verdad es que con esta crisis tengo menos capital a disposicion pero aun bastante.

    tu amigo
    Thomas Ross

    thomas ross 10 Jun 2009, 10:43 - Report
  • SEX


    KHAN 10 Jun 2009, 10:50 - Report

    Hola Dan!
    Te puedo ofrecer una oportunidad de tener un encuentro con los seres que te son queridos en tu pais. Dame aqui un mail en donde puedo conversar contigo,y de verdad vas a ser muy sorprendido (positivamente). Si la palabra oro evoca algo para ti...contestame muy rapidamente...

    haver tov 19 Jun 2009, 08:07 - Report
  • hola old janice

    donde estas en un asilo para salseras no mientas no puedes bailar salsa me das mucha pena espero noticia tuyas
    con cariño
    Dan se.......

    senor dela salsa 27 Jul 2009, 07:23 - Report
  • Con man Sela

    Good to see you have come out of your hole you cannot put your scams on the internet these days, even your funny YOUTUBE clips are as old as you and give much amusement.We will always look out and try to warn others that may be taken in by you.

    annon 03 Aug 2009, 01:44 - Report
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