Working while doing Erasmus semester?

  • Hello,

    I'm about to go to Burgos (Spain) for one semester. Till last week I expected the student services (BAföG) to support me financially but on Monday I got a phone call that they won't support me - I still don't know why.
    But I don't wanna get my semester abroad screwed by these guys so my plan is to just go to Burgos and live from my savings for the first 1-2 months and then, once I can speak proper Spanish, look for a job to pay the rent and everything.

    Does anybody know if it's easy to find a job as a Erasmus student? (Even with not that good Spanish skills yet)
    You think I could find a job within one or two months?

    I highly appreciate any kind of information and advices.

    Thank you!

    03 Oct 2007, 11:28 Patrick
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