how does a forgeiner marry a saudi women?
this subject for many muslim men across the globe is some what of a mystery. so many muslim men would give an arm and a leg for a wife from saudi and that is still not enough to obatain a wife for a forgien man from saudia
so i ask how does a forgein man go about getting a wife from saudia?
if anyone forgein muslim man has accomplised this mamouth of a task then please do let me know or if anyone has advice for me also let me know.
reagurds al ajam
[email removed]30 Jan 2009, 08:18 al ajam
dhl 28 May 2009, 08:53 - Report -
dhl your answer back to the stome age
dhl, is your answer:in his dreams? :P but no really, get serious...Saudis do marry non-saudis. The process is lengthy that's all...For serious information i advise you look somewhere...especially since this site seems to be full of perverted peeps, that won't do much to help ur image while trying to marry a saudi.
b6ltadwir3lalangugeexchange 12 Jun 2009, 01:52 - Report -
how to marry a saudi girl
Ok so here goes! First and foremost i'm an American who has several Saudi wives...and let me tell you the key is to have much $$$$$. Second of all if you are not muslim...convert or at least make the people and families around you think you have
! The most important thing is to make sure you can support a Saudi girl, and brother it ain't easy and one of the hardest things i have ever done is convince my first Saudi wife's father to give me permission!! I did not even see my beautiful wifes body until we were married!!! As the old saying goes money makes the world go round and the more you have the better chances you will have to marry a saudi girl...good luck!!
NYC'er in Riyyadh! 12 Jun 2009, 06:21 - Report -
hehe yes NYC'er better to mention that ur wives are from the Royal Line
soon u might become the new Saudi-American Prince
saudi girl from the royal line 12 Jun 2009, 07:40 - Report -
saudi girl from royal line
no chance of that happening!!!!
nyc'er 12 Jun 2009, 07:55 - Report -
Believe in the possibility of the impossible!!!All or nothing ;0)
saudi girl from royal line 12 Jun 2009, 08:53 - Report -
saudi girl from royal line
After a beautiful weekend in Bahrain...i have been welcomed openly into my girlfriends families retreat to Dubai in two weeks so it is looking promising!! her father is Harvard educated and her mother is Stanford educated in the U.S. and they believe in LOVE regardless of were you were born!!! So hope does exist!!!
NYC'er 15 Jun 2009, 09:13 - Report -
al ajam...i feel u, we're in the same shoes!!!
lol...funny thing is i have the same problem as the person who asked the question. i also want to marry a saudi girl & have problems convincing her dad! who, believe it or not has an american wife himself! even tho i am a muslim myself, and told him that i am willing to convert to sunni, & willing to go & live where he wants us to.but none of that i guess is enough, he still says no. & i dont think $$ is the issue, cuz i'm not doing so bad at all & the saudi girl is completely fine with it.her dad even told her that $$ wasn't the main i dont know whatta hell is!! anyway if anyone can help me too, i'd be greatful. leave a comment. thx every1.
faris 12 Jul 2009, 08:44 - Report