work and live in Amsterdam
Hi, I'm a 24 year old girl from germany and I want to immigrate to Amsterdam. I'm a graduated fashion-designer and I want to try my luck to work there or make work expirience in my business. So I need a room and a job to finance my life there. I'm friendly and candidly and have expirience in different kinds of jobs like waitress or as cashier. I speek german and english and I will try my best to learn dutch very quickly. I hope s.o. can help me to find a room or job, so that I can come soon to Amsterdam like sep, oct. I would enjoy to hear
E-mail: [email removed]
phone: 00497431934347
Many greetings from germany...
Anke Diedrich23 Aug 2005, 01:07 Anonymous
find work first!!
You really should secure a job before arriving.
Check out these websites to see if they have any jobs for fashion graduates available:
or call centre work: (want German and english speaking persons)
good luck
Anonymous 24 Aug 2005, 02:59 - Report