Summary of all your complaining...

  • Look your people:
    There is no culture, museums and other stuff in Kuwait because Kuwait is not so ancient city like Rome, Barcelona, Vienna, Milan, Athens...
    You should take into account that. Kuwait was desert some years ago. Then english discovered oil. And now Kuwait have money. But under americans only. They are taking more than a half under excuse: protection from Iraq. But America first allowed Sadam to attack Kuwait, this is clear. So they can come. Like now for Afganistan, they need oil pipeline there... What if will be different like it should be reagarding what people wants: if Kuwait's goverment will no be so corrupted, if Kuwait will be part of the Iraq, then Iraq will be rich country. Americans will be unhappy. With strong Iraq, you will have oil war, maybe 3 world war and destruction of the earth. So, it is good like it is now and nothing will change: kuwait people are rich and keep silent, goverment is corrupted, poor people have their poor jobs, white man here is sucking money for engineering and charge like hell, everything is under control. Kuwait is more rich than Abu Dhabi or Dubai, yet it looks like Cairo, a little better. This is because they don't keep all the money here. Sad. Shouldn't be like that. But do you know any other way? Shall arabs pump their oil by themselves and sell to america and to other world 150USD per barrel? No! They cannot. Technical reasons and political. World is using them...
    I was talking to many kuwaiti young people on site where I work, they are all engineers and smart, and they are unsatisfy. They know all this but they cannot change anything. Not yet. If they will try, then all world will have problems...

    Heho 12 Sep 2008, 08:22 - Report
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