Like to work in Dubai as an Senior Occupational Therapist

  • I have a Hons degree in Occupational therapy from the University of Dhaka in 2000. I have awarded Galpin International fellow ship from the Quinnipiac University, CT, USA in 2005. My training and experience includes children and adults with sensory disabilities (i.e., visual impairments, deafness and deafblindness) as well as physical and mental disabilities.
    My training also includes numbers of treatment techniques (i.e., sensory integration, behavioral modification, Bo-bath approach and rood techniques) which helps client to reach at maximum functional level. I have considerable experiences working with children, adult and their families. I worked at Center for the rehabilitation of the paralyzed, CRP a national NGO for 5 years as a clinical Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy course coordinator. As a clinical therapist there were many different conditions (neurological, orthopeadic, psychiatric and pediatrics) that I worked with. I have wide range of clinical expertise to work children with Autism characteristics and children with cerebral palsy.

    I did few studies on Occupational Therapy treatment approaches and effectiveness and presented papers nationally and internationally. One of my achievement was to involved a joint research study, title “Occupational Therapy Students’ Approaches to Learning: Considering the Impact of Culture”, which has published in British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69(12), 548-558.

    In addition to work with preschool programs recently. I have experience in inclusive education. I have taught several trainings on strategies for successful inclusion and diverse learners to the preschool teachers, field and technical officers. In addition have developed module and guide book for parents to help disabled children at home and social settings. For the last 3 years I am working as a Deputy Program Manager in Save the Children, USA to give advice and support to families and schools on including children with disabilities in classrooms and community programs.

    My contact address:
    [email removed]

    Ummey Hamida Nila 31 Jul 2008, 05:30 - Report
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