Welding job or anythings

  • Amir Norouzi Jahed, son of Asghar, holder of ID Card No. 1161,issued in Bandar Abbas, born in Tehran (Feb. 15, 1979),as first class Arc welder 6G(SMAW), 6G Argon (GTAW), CO2 3G (GMAW), and Flux Cored 3G (FCAW) welder
    It should be mentioned that he is fully familiar with various welding equipment such as AC (Alternative Current) and DC (Direct Current) rectifiers, various types of electrodes
    including E6010, E7018 and E6013, welding CO2 (GMAW), GTAW, SMAW and Flux Cored (FCAW) and various welding positions (overhead, fillet, up-hill, vertical, horizontal)
    as well as various welding defects together with removing them
    I am looking for Sponsor and I am married, No child,30 years old

    Sincerely yours
    Amir Norouzi Jahed
    [email removed]

    Amir.n.Jahed 27 Mar 2009, 08:33 - Report
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