To all you that will read their own names soon on the web....

  • İ believe it is time to start producing some provable statements and facts concerning my person in a blog that will be launched soon on google about some people here. And to all Americans, Germans and everyone else: NEVER COME HERE! You will 100% get cheated and if you try to defend yourself you will get in more trouble as you can see by all postings. İt seems that only small time criminals and low lifes come here to do business. Why, if so successfull would they otherwise set up business in a country that is a economic and environmental nightmare with no international laws. Why İ am here? Just passed through and then NEVER AGAİN! Oh and to those posting: Enjoy reading about yourselfs soon....

    Anonym 05 Mai 2009, 12:25 - Verstoß melden
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