@swiss and proud of it

  • Like I said, You become help in Switzerland, but you pay it very hard. That you helped in a "Männerheim" once, does not give you the knowledge of the system. That you are a soldier, well my kids too, its not to see inside the abuse of power of many people working with the goverment. Single cases? Its not true. There are a lot of cases, I have seen a lot, I have worked with them, and overworked others. Another swiss may have seen single cases, I have seen hundreds. I have seen elder people, (not to old but not so young), crying on the stairs in the "Sozialamt Stadt Bern", because they took away their dignity. I made a research, and if you think the system worked for you, it does not mean, they are abusing of their power. We all are humans, and no one have the right to tell you, that you have no name, that you are now a file. Well hope that you necer will have any problems, that never a person smashes your dream down, just for thinking he is better than you. When I see that, I am ashamed to be swiss. When I see that, I go sad, Its a different way to be racist. Be proud to be swiss, as I was once, and I hope, you never have the opportunity to see inside the system, it is a shock. And, please, you have a very good english, but the impression you left with your last words, shows that you have the same level than others. Sorry

    Swiss Lady 18 Aug 2008, 05:13 - Verstoß melden
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Switzerland sucks

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