come on guys...

  • could you stop bashing switzerland? (or any country for that matter?) every country has its good and its bad sides. No country is the best at everything, there is no perfect country. And if you bash an aspect of switzerland, at least do it in comparision with other countries you know, you'll see that switzerland will be ahead in other points.
    I've been to italy, india, spain, protugal, germany, Czechoslovakia (when they were still together), the netherlands, france, ireland, austria and tunesia. I could list tons of things for each country that are just annoying, or bad, or horrible. but then you think about what they have instead, and you get an equally long list.

    And of course I think switzerland is ahead of most countries and a better place to live than the countries I listed. but that's normal, almost everyone feels that way about his home country, other countires will always lack something you had at home.
    I still love all countries I've been to, as they are different and offer other aspects of life which are limited in my own country.

    and about the racist argument: the "racist" parties of the far right (most of them are have just a distorted view on life and are morexenophobic than racist) only make up about 30% of the swiss people. Combined with the fact that we have the one of the highest foreiner rates (if not the highest) I don't think you can call the whole of switzerland racist. We wouldn't live with them as our neighbours and friends if we were.

    one of the suckers :D 09 Feb 2009, 02:17 - Verstoß melden
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Switzerland sucks

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