Switzerland is GAY

  • I often use this word when describing Switzerland in a condensed or abbreviated form.

    The word "Gay", in this sense, isn't used with any of the traditional ties to sexual preference, homosexual slandering, or even the previous connection to a euphoric emotional state.

    I use the word Gay in a more neo-classic/ contemporary-colloquial tense, ie:

    ex - man who shaves his body hair
    re - "dude... that's gay"

    ex - man with purse
    re - "dude... that looks gay"

    ex - any language that ends all words with "li"
    re - "dude... that sounds gay"

    ex - parking attendant who gives you a ticket for 2.75 minutes over the meter
    re - "dude... you are f#@king gay"

    ex - person who tucks their undershirt into their underwear
    re - "dude... that is gay"

    ...and I think you get the idea.

    Most of the other horrible things I could have said after 2 years in Switzerland have already been beaten to death here, so I thought I would try a fresh angle. Coming from Southern California, and having lived in many foreign countries over the past 12 years, I moved to CH without any prejudices or preconceptions. I had never visited a forum like this, nor had I spent any previous extended amounts of time in CH to develop sour tastes or spoiled dreams.

    I consider myself a very well-rounded person, culturally, emotionally, socially, scholastically, etc, etc, etc.... and I've never "disliked" a country, culture, or people in any of my travels or life experiences.

    Switzerland, with all of its nuances and idiosyncrasies... is a horrible place. I patiently count-down the days until my working contract here is completed.

    I would like to type this one more time... like a freedom for my fingers and an outlet for my mind:

    "Switzerland is a Horrible Place".

    VERY WELL SAID 20 Aug 2008, 04:29 - Verstoß melden
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Switzerland sucks

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