Do Not Trust the Swiss......

  • I am married to a Swiss (which technically makes me Swiss too-- i have a passport). He is just like the other Swiss I have met. At first they are friendly--- almost childlike. But, if you do not gush with enthusiasm about this little, mediocre country, they get offended and call you names and tell you to go back to where you came from. They treat all persons without 2 Swiss parents as outsiders. I fear for the future of my beautiful and smart daughter. The Swiss have no trouble accepting poor or middle class foreigners who work their butts off to assimilate and never say an ill word. But, the Swiss have trouble with the more intelligent, thoughtful and wealthy foreigners because they don't fit into the typical Swiss community which is under-educated (most don't go to university) and small-minded. If the Swiss want to keep hiding tax money for rich people why don't they allow rich foreigners to get Swiss passports and come live here and use their money to influence the policies of the country???? I guess that would be putting your money where your dumb, little mouth is....... hypocrisy is alive and well.

    Go To Hell 27 Apr 2009, 11:42 - Verstoß melden
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Switzerland sucks

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