Ah, our friend the doctor and his opinions., once again...

  • "Eagleeye" claims to know me personally? besides the fact that the last three entries are from the "doctor" ( the way you write is very repetitive) this is the first and last forum I have stated my opinion on. Now, if criticizing swiss culture is embarassing, then what the hell are people who have such a big problem with that doing on a thread that is entitled "switzerland sucks" and contains many entries by other people with the same opinion (who, strangely, have not been criticized)? the thread was started a year ago, by the way. And if "eagleeye" happens not to be the "doctor" and does happen to know me(although I strongly doubt it) would he or she care to disclose their identity and take this issue up face to face with me? I doubt it. "Doctor", give it up and get lost. This is getting ever so boring, your medicalness.

    Adam 21 Jul 2009, 05:29 - Verstoß melden
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Switzerland sucks

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