why do germans hates Brazil so much?

  • a recent british study showed that 40% of germans hate (or dislike)Brazil.germany was the country that most hated Brazil in the world.
    i am brazilian,and i want ask you,germans: why do you hate Brazil so much?

    19 Mär 2009, 02:54 Proud Brazilian
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  • german man

    monkey are you,m.!
    germans envy brazil ,because we are growing in economy and we are already one of the most powerfull countries of the world.at the same time,we are not human machines like the germans.we enjoy life and work hard at the same time!

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 02:59 - Verstoß melden
  • nobody in germany hates brazil

    german man is a fake. germans don't hate brazil.

    Alex 19 Mär 2009, 03:23 - Verstoß melden
  • porque..

    porque brasil es un asco de país :S
    no hay nada de por el cual se deban sentir orgullosos -.-
    gente muerta de hambre es lo único que hay
    porque los odian los alemanes?
    simplemente porque SON PLATANEROS -.-

    sP 19 Mär 2009, 04:15 - Verstoß melden
  • sp

    sp,shut the f.up,cucaracha.you must be one of these argentinians that come to brazil to work and to scapa from death by starvation in argentina! go to hell,m.!

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 04:31 - Verstoß melden

    el unico muerto de hambre aquí eres tU
    no te da pena agena escribir en un foro sobre alemanes si ni europeo eres?
    como puedes tu sacear tu ocico al estar hablando de ellos?
    porque mejor no te pones a jugar futbol con los negros de tu cuadra y a comer frijoles con arroz, que e slo que comen en tu miserable y roñoso pueblo, en fin alomejor y si tienes nutrientes en tu estomágo si el frijol ya te hizo dormir tus tripas, podrías seguir bailando zamba...
    que es lo unico que hay en brazil:
    zamba, futbol y negros muertos de hambre big-smile


    SP 19 Mär 2009, 06:33 - Verstoß melden
  • to the human trash sp

    write in this topic in english,f. cucaracha.you are a illeterate that know nothing about brazil,or you know but lie that dont.
    brazil is the number 8 economy in the world.only são paulo state in brazil has more population(40.000.000)and more economic power(700 billions dollars) than spain and argentina togheter.
    if you are retarded,a leat dont waste our time with your swars and no sense words.
    brazil has as a whole 200.000.000 of habitants and a gnp of 2 trilhions of dollars. spain and all the hispanic americans monkeys are nothing whem comparing with brazil.
    go to eat some bananas, hispanic trash.argentinians and spaniards like you are the shame of human kind! and put this dirty tongue inside your mouth,monkey.brazilians are above you,and we brazilians are the bosses of argentine and spain,two miserables banana countries. spain is a poverty enclave in europe,a nation of arabs in european soil! dont talk to me again,monkey. i will puke in my computer if you talk to me again! please,go swar with your bunch of hispanic human garbages.

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 06:52 - Verstoß melden
  • the crazy man from brazil

    also was der wahnsinnige da über mir im forum schreibt kann sich ein deutscher schlicht weg nicht erlauben. die alten vorurteile sitzen wohl ganz ganz tief und europa ist seit WW2 in sich gespalten. mit "brazilians are above you" hat er sich ad absurdum geführt, aber egal wie dämlich die sich verhalten, es hängt denen nicht nach...
    --stigmaticed forever--

    Rulaman 19 Mär 2009, 07:57 - Verstoß melden
  • rulaman

    i did not understand what you write.if you write again,this time in english,spanish or portuguese,it would be better.sorry,but i dont understand one word of german.
    the two sentences that you writed in english are lies,because i am not crazy,and i am not stigmaticed forever.a person cannot be stigmaticed for write or talk the truth.

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 08:18 - Verstoß melden
  • hey crazy man

    theres plenty of translator tools on the net...

    rulaman 19 Mär 2009, 10:28 - Verstoß melden
  • @ proud crazy idiot

    You are really crazy. Have you ever been outside of Brazil ? I have visited Argentina, Brazil, Germany and Spain. Only in Brazil I have seen favelas and a very big difference between rich and poor. There are enough extremly rich people in Brazil. Why don't they do more to help their poor countrymen ? Of course it's easier to blame Brazil's problems on others....

    In Argentina people seem much more friendly and polite than in Brazil.

    hasta nunca

    MBA 19 Mär 2009, 01:43 - Verstoß melden
  • MBA

    yes,i already have been outside of brazil.i know argentina,and there is more favelas in argentina than in brasil.see that brazil has six times more population than argentina,but argentina has more people living in deep poverty than brazil.it is very hard to say,but nowadays,argentina is nothing more than a brazil' colony.sad but true.in mercosul,argentina a economy based in the agriculture,and brazil a economy based in the industry,although we have a great agriculture too.
    if argentinians are polite with you,german,it is because argentinins love nazi germans.in second world war,when brazil sent troops to fight against the nazis in italy,argentina received and shelterded many nazi criminals with great joy. nowadey,while brazil for prohibits nazi propaganda and nazi groups,argentina let nazis preach their hate speech frely.brazilian people have a nstinctive hate against nazis.
    and povety in brazilian northeast is small more and more.the northeast was already a region full of poverty,but it already changed.south and southest brazil are developed like anyone country of europe.

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 05:58 - Verstoß melden
  • proud brazilian

    you have accomplished your mission. with your aggressive crazy posts you have convinced everybody that brazil is better than any other country in the world and that brazilians are the most educated and nicest people. hehehe good job !!

    now you can use your energy for something more productive like helping homeless children in brazilian cities.

    or pick bananas. :P I will go to watch "cidade deus" now.

    Alex 19 Mär 2009, 07:27 - Verstoß melden
  • proud brazilian

    Another thing..... did you know that companies from germany and spain snd switzerland have invested into building facotries in southern brazil ? if all brazilians were like you there would be a diplomatic crisis and europeans would withdraw all their investments from brazil. then the south will plundge into poverty and become like the northeast. we can also move our investment to argentina or china and other countries where people know friendliness and don't generalize.

    Alex 19 Mär 2009, 07:32 - Verstoß melden
  • alex nazi

    there are many brazilians companies too.we need not foreigner companies.and the movie is "cidade de deus",not "cidade deus". there is a "de"between the word "cidade" and the name "deus".if you want to write a sentence in portuguese,do it right.
    "cidade de deus"means "city of god"

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 07:45 - Verstoß melden
  • you know what Brazilian

    Everibody hates Europeans,all over the world.They are cold,undfriendly,boring,stupid,racist.Who needs that bunch of sad bastards,unhappy,with the weather like shit!!!!!

    Proud Australia 19 Mär 2009, 08:47 - Verstoß melden
  • Proud Australia

    it is true.but in europe,germany is the worst country.germans are still racists and nazi monsters,diguised like democracy paladins.
    i like australia.good and happy people,more or less like in brazil.

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 08:54 - Verstoß melden

    -.- MY GOD, if you really are a proud brazilian
    try to explain here your politic system right now, without read any article online
    and then explain your election system and then explain the last 3 presidential elections big-smile

    and say why did lula da silva when he loose 3 times =D....

    and then i will understand if you are a proud brazilian or not=D

    by the way, i see that you havent been educated at all, if you really know the europeans, they are so educated if you are bored in germany, spain or another country in europe, it's because you need your dotation of beans with rice and a ball, that's all a brazilian needs to be happy, maybe you dont know that europe has many museums, beautiful landscapes, a great history to read and know, i have met some brazilians and most of them are so stupids!!!
    they dont know anything about latin american, nothing about argentinians, mexicans, cubans , etc, as a latin american country you have to know them it doesnt matter if you havent been there, you have to read and know!! that's it!!
    if you say that germans are racist, maybe you still live in 1940, dont you?

    like alex say, go and pick up some bananas and prepare a good pure for you, it's time for your luch!!


    proud european 19 Mär 2009, 09:09 - Verstoß melden
  • @ proud

    i thought you are brazilian not australiaN... nice try.

    what kind of brazilian companies do you have ? tell me so i can stop buying their products :P

    why do you spend all day long on the internet arguning with europeans ? are you jobless or do you have no friends ?

    Alex 19 Mär 2009, 09:13 - Verstoß melden
  • proud idiot

    i didn't try to write in portuguese. i'm not interested in this language. i prefer studying spanish and russian. i just didn't remember the name of that pathetic movie.

    Alex 19 Mär 2009, 09:18 - Verstoß melden
  • fakers maybe ?

    I'm not sure but somehow it seems to me as if the crazy proud Brazilian writes under other names... I think he pretends to be German and writes hateful post. It's strange that two minutes after this topic has been created there is already someone replying as "german man". I think it's fake.... the whole thing seems fishy to me. What do you guys think ?

    Jay 19 Mär 2009, 09:27 - Verstoß melden
  • alex nazi german boy

    i use the internet in my work,dumb ass.you must be the jobless here,because you stay here in this site all the time.
    do you want know the name of brazilians companies?well,you dont buy tank,guns and aircrafts,but,i will tell you some names of brazilians companies: taurus(small arms.one of the bigest in the world)rossi(small arms) avibrás(rockets and misseles)engesa(battle tanks)imbel(guns,small arms,explosives)
    embraer(aircrafths,civilians and military)vale do rio doce(steel)engepron(torpedoes and submarine mines)and much,much more.
    dont enter a conversation if you dont know about what is talked,fool.
    i dont dislike all europeans.i think that russians and slaves in general,italians,frenchs,portugueses and many spanishs are ok. i only dislike germans,swiss and austrians.

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 09:29 - Verstoß melden

    the ignorant here are you.only low classs brazilians go to europe. i know more about europe than you,dumb ass.we like football and we love beans with rice in brazil,it is true.i never will live in a country where there is no beans with rice,the tipical food of my country.europe is nothing more than a decadent shithole.you 60 years ago were killing each other and now try look like good people.germans are the worst trash of europe.they are guilt of crimes against the humanity!stop to talk bullshit! the future will be of countries like australia,brazil,usa,china,india and russia.and go to hell,f. germans! you are nothing more than a bunch of sad,depressed and lonely people.

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 09:38 - Verstoß melden
  • proud shit

    you are the depressed and lonely one... that's why you are full of hate and insult others over the internet.

    you wish that people in other countries disliked germans as you do. but it's not the case. this british study showed that germany is one of the countries with the best image. now go to cry

    my gf is from china and my best friend is from russia. many germans have good relations with those countries. inspite of the horrible crimes that were comitted by germans in russia i know many russians who are not as hateful to germans as you are.

    the companies that you refer to are meaningless. i hope our millitairy will never buy any of their useless products. if many people in your company spend all their work time on the internet i understand why brazil isn't doing well economicall.

    Alex 19 Mär 2009, 10:11 - Verstoß melden

    i think Proud brazilian is not BRAZILIAN xD
    he's from Poland, that´s why he/she hates germanY

    European agree with Alex 19 Mär 2009, 10:24 - Verstoß melden
  • @ European

    no, he is really from brazil. crazy people exist in every country. why not in brazil as well ? we just don't hear so much about crazy people in brazil because the country doesn't get a lot of media attention. don't think bad of poland. i have lived near the border and many people there are nice.

    but thanks for your support happy

    Alex 19 Mär 2009, 10:34 - Verstoß melden
  • european,the one that agree with nazi-alex

    eu sou brasileiro,meu caro.minha pátria tem palmeiras,onde canta o sábia!as aves que aqui gorjeiam ,não gorjeiam como lá.
    ask to nazi alex to translate what i write above,european.it is in portuguese.
    i am brazilian.here in brazil media only talk about germany when some neo-nazis burn alive some turk children,or beat till death one black man.besides this,the only thing that brazilian people know about germany is that 20% of brazilians have german blood from german imigrants(mixed with portuguese,italian,african and indian blood,of course.evererybody in brazil is mixed race.i think that our country was the only where germans melted with other races.gisele bundchen is a exemple of the brazilians mixed race,togheter with many others international models).
    other thing that we always can hear about germans,austrians and swiss is that they like to jail children in basements(like the austrian monster friltz,that raped his daughter for 24 years),they like to kill others peoples based in skin color(hitler in the past,npd today),and they are all could,freak and depressed.
    in brazil,violence is more because honor questions,the called "lavar a honra".we are very proud to say that there is no racial crime in brazil,because here there is only one race:brazilian.dna studies showed that 99% of brazilians are indian-black-white admixture, with with and black being in average 40% each in brazilian dna,and indian 20% in average.
    you europeans need to study more about others countries. you dont see beyond your nose!

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 11:01 - Verstoß melden
  • above i made a mistake,writing "with with" when i wanted write "with whites"

    average racial composition in brazilian dna
    american indian:20%

    Proud Brazilian 19 Mär 2009, 11:07 - Verstoß melden
  • Proud Brasilian

    man u r such a scientist, i totally believe u...
    eventhough this racial thing is kinda outdated

    i imagine u telling ur beautiful brasilian giselle bundchen gf about this race mixture and then how she considers to not mix...WITH YOU

    Rulaman 19 Mär 2009, 11:21 - Verstoß melden
  • alex

    i lived in Poland x_x
    and it sucks!!!
    maybe because you lived in the border between germany and poland you dont see the big differences and racial problems.

    for example i speak spanish, and it's my native language, and i speak german, when i was in Poland i used to speak german and people didnt like it at all, so i had to go to Germany, 'cuz i had many problems in poland about german language =/
    yeeh ppl from poland are still crazy about the nazis, and say all the time stupid things about germans =)

    so that's why i preffer 100% germany than Poland =)

    European agree with Alex 19 Mär 2009, 11:31 - Verstoß melden
  • ruleman

    my girlfriend is more beautifull than gisele,and she like mix with me very much!

    Proud Brazilian 20 Mär 2009, 01:23 - Verstoß melden
  • argentina

    Hey proud brazilian,here in argentina we dont have anything against Brazil.Its a beautiful country dont hate on us.
    Im in the uk forum where a german fucker its talking a lot of trash about argentina.Im started to think that they are really racist,xenophobic and nazi people.
    Im started to think that thay are just "pretended"to look like a nice modern people...
    Sorry for the english.

    angie 20 Mär 2009, 12:25 - Verstoß melden
  • proud brazilian

    Giselle Bündchen has part German ancestors. You get angry if our media just shows favelas, corrupt police, homless kids, violence and crime about Brazil.

    Then I could also get angry that the media abroad only shows bad things about Germany.... But the media usually just shows negative things because that's what catches the peoples' attention. Germans are not the only people who can be ignorant. In Brazil you need to study more about Germany instead of just repeating old stereotypes.

    My grandfather is French and I know that Germany has been disliked in other European countries because of the terrible war crimes. I can understand that. France for example had been destroyed twice and a lot of Polish and French people were forced to work in nazi Germany as slave laborers. Many Polish people were murdered during the German occupation, Warsaw had been completly destroyed and Poland became communist as a result of WW II. sad So I understand if some Europeans have hard feelings against Germany. But Brazil never had anything to do with Germany.

    In Europe the attitude towards Germany has recently improved. For example now like 70% of French have a good opinion of Germany. Also 70% in Spain and Holland and Russia. If they can do it why do you as Brazilian still stick to the racist hatred towards Germans ?

    @ Angie, don't believe everything that people write on the internet. Some Germans are racist but many are not. The person who posts racist stuff about Argentina might not be German but a crazy faker who is obsessed with creating hatred against Germans. Because of the dark history Germany is an easy target for this. I guess some people who are losers in personal life need to talk bad about other nations to build up their low self esteem. But hatred harms everybody and I think it's better if people live together peacefully with respect. Nobody in Germany hates Argentina. Peace

    Alex 20 Mär 2009, 01:02 - Verstoß melden
  • argentina

    He says hes german his name its brandon.He created a treadh against argentina in the uk forum.If you know what a mean!
    I dont know germany im 50% german my bisnono was a german soldier and for my family i know that they are super nice and hard workers.
    BUT this is not the first time that i read rude comments coming from germans on the net.
    So i dont know..
    We are southamericans very different of europeans,at leats in argentina we dont make those kind of comments about other people.

    angie 20 Mär 2009, 01:31 - Verstoß melden
  • @ angie

    but brazil is also south american and did you see what kind of comments "proud brazilian" made ? don't you think he is rude ? i guess he is a very frustrated person. in a way those crazy people on the internet are funny because they act like angry kids, don't you think ? i think we should just talk back to them and then laugh at them.

    i did not read the uk forum yet. you can be sure that 90% of germans don't hate argentina. during the world cup i even seen some german people wearing an argentina team shirt. maybe this brandon has a personal problem with argentina because his wife left him to live with an argentine guy. who knows ? whatever his reasons are he doesn't speak for all germans.

    the internet could be a good way to connect people around the world and to make new friends. unfortunately some psycho people use it in order to create hatred. in my opinion it's a bit sad. what do you think ? saludos desde alemania. cuidate mucho happy

    Alex 20 Mär 2009, 03:17 - Verstoß melden
  • @ silly brazilian

    i cannot translate the portuguese text for european cause i don't know this language, ok ?

    Alex 20 Mär 2009, 03:21 - Verstoß melden
  • argentina

    Proudbrazilian sucks!its a shame that a person coming from a multicultural country makes those patetic comments!
    Yes,haters are patetic BUT i will like to punch them in the face honestly!!i cant stand them!
    Yeah maybe internet its a good way to connect people BUT this people ruins everything.
    In argentina with dont make those rude comments we have a lot of sense of humor.
    Im mad too because i cant write on the argentnian forums bacuse its full of haters from another countrys.

    angie 20 Mär 2009, 04:14 - Verstoß melden
  • argentina

    yes,its very sad!sad its awful this people call us monkeys and that.bastards tell that on my face not in a forum.

    angie 20 Mär 2009, 04:26 - Verstoß melden
  • I hate haters

    @ angie thanks for your message. where do the haters who post in the argentina forum come from ? i wish some day we could live in a world without racism and hatred. but i guess some guys like this proud brazilian have too much testosteron and too much aggressiveness.

    inspite of using their energy for something good they try to spread hate. but we should not let them win. i have been to argentina and i think it's a great country. buenos aires is a very beautiful city and the people in argentina are very educated, polite and friendly.

    this proud hater would probably be afraid to say insults in our face because he might be like 1,50m tall and chubby. blunk

    Alex 20 Mär 2009, 07:14 - Verstoß melden
  • Alex nazi garbage and angie

    alex nazi,are you a fucking queer like your fuher was?i am 1,8 m. tall, and my wheight is 80 kg.i am not chubby or short.you hate brazil because we are a mixed race society,and the words of your fuher inside your brain dont let you see that race admisture are good for human king phisical and phisicological health. your fuher talked that race admixture was a bad thing,and you and the germans in general yet believe in this bullshit.it is the only motive to you germans dislike brazil.
    angie,dont be angry when i call you argentinians monkeys. you are our monkeys.you know that brazil is the boss of argentina,but we are a good boss for you.dont worry,we will care you argentinians like we always did in the past.you are our vacation colony and our puppy.
    do you want date with me? argentinians girls are very hot!i already dated many argentinians girls in florianopolis,where there are moore argentinians than brazilians.i know that your country are failed,but we brazilians will suport you in this crise.afinal,nos somos "hermanos"não é mesmo! não fique ofendida,gatinha.eu gosto de você.esse alemão que esta xingando a argentina no tópico do reino unido é um idiota.(i hope you know portuguese too,like the majority of argentinians)

    Proud Brazilian 20 Mär 2009, 09:59 - Verstoß melden
  • @ proud garbage

    my girlfriend is from another race (asian). i know that mixing races is good for human health and mind. that is why it's human nature to be attracted to other people and cultures. hitlers books are banned in germany as in many other countries. you don't need to call argentine people monkeys. you are acting like a crazy, angry monkey but nobody else does. you feel hurt in your overblown national pride because some germans don't like brazil. but the reason is not racism. the reason are things like social injustice, violent crime, people like you...

    Alex 20 Mär 2009, 10:18 - Verstoß melden
  • alex nazi german boy

    and brazil fought against germany in second world war.germany attacked ships in brazilian coast with his submarines,and it brought brazil to war.we sent 25.000 soldiers and a air squadron to fight against the nazis in north italia.brazilian soldiers never had see snow in their lifes,and almost died of cold,but they overcome these difficulties and were much praised for all allied for kill more german nazi monsters than all others allied unities.like in 1936 with karl lewis wining and shaming hitler for win his "arians"atletes,brazilian mixed race soldiers give a hard time in italy to nazi germans,although hitler did not belive it was possible.
    germans always underestimate their enemies,and are defeated by them because germans cannot see that others peoples have power and courage to fight till death(hitler called russian as sub-humans,and the russians showed that they are not sub-humans at all.)you germans are a bunch of idiots.

    Proud Brazilian 20 Mär 2009, 10:23 - Verstoß melden
  • nazi alex, fuhrer' boy

    we already had enough germans imigrants in XIX century.almost all of them melted with portugueses,indians and blacks,and become real brazilians. what i want is that no more german touch feet in brazilian soil.
    i am not xenofobic. i only love my country.is there something bad in love our country?

    Proud Brazilian 20 Mär 2009, 10:34 - Verstoß melden
  • @ proud garbage

    who cares what you want ? if i go to visit brazil you can do nothing against it. but don't worry.. i'm not interested in it. still your government maked adds here to attract german tourists.

    you are xenofobic because you hate germans for being german. you use german history in order to feel better than germans because you are a loser with some kind of inferiority complex.

    better try to help the poor people in brazil like homeless children. why do you not spent your time on that ?

    i told you my best friend is russian. he doesn't hate germans even though russia suffered a lot under the nazis. you should learn that hate is useless.

    it's good that you love your country but there is no reason to freak out like this.

    i have nothing more to say to you. Like "guy from Ankara" said... you need a doctor. That's all i have to say to you.

    Alex 20 Mär 2009, 10:51 - Verstoß melden
  • @ proud garbage

    i have already seen brazil so i don't need to go there again.

    brazil feels like going to morocco or egypt but morocco and egypt are closer, people are more friendly and i can also go to a beach there.

    Alex 20 Mär 2009, 11:00 - Verstoß melden
  • Alex =)

    oh my godness!!

    alex please, dont put attention to "proud garbage", he doenst have anything to do at home, maybe he needs a little atention here, so we dont have to give it up.

    So, i´ve been for i while in Germany, and i spent the best time of my life there, like you, im not interested about going to brazil, i dont know, there are a lot of places maybe in Mexico much better than Brazil.

    by the way, Alex do u have msn?

    nath =* 20 Mär 2009, 11:16 - Verstoß melden
  • alex nazi,and liar

    you are a lie.you never traveled to brazil in your life.brazil has nothing in common with egipt or morocco,two poor arab countries.brazil is the most advanced tropical civilization in the world.brazil is like miami in rio de janeiro,and like italy,in the south.only northwest in brazil look like morocco,but the northwest develop very fast,and soon will look like the others brazilian regions!

    Proud Brazilian 20 Mär 2009, 11:19 - Verstoß melden
  • @ nath

    ok i will ignore this garbage now. i have nothing more to say to him. only this: in cairo or marrakesh the city centers also look beautiful and modern in some parts. and in the suburbs cairo for example looks BETTER than the north zone of rio like belford roxo or the places near the airport. it's sad that the rich people in brazil don't care about it. but i think often the rich brazilian people pay the workers in the companies or the housemaids only very little money. sad and some people have no chance to go to school for long. i have not seen such extreme difference between rich and poor anywhere else.

    nath, where are u from ? i have msn but i'd not like to give it out on this forum because i might get hatemail from proud brazilian. hehe if u tell me ur msn i could add u.

    Mexico and the US have nicer beaches than Brazil and they are safer + the people are nicer. Also in Southern China there are very nice tropical beaches and also interesting culture.

    Alex 20 Mär 2009, 11:45 - Verstoß melden
  • Alex =)

    ok, maybe we can chat by skype =)


    that's my skype

    nath =* 21 Mär 2009, 12:48 - Verstoß melden
  • germans gay are very funny

    germans gays are all afraid to give their msn! it is very funny!

    proud brazilian 21 Mär 2009, 12:51 - Verstoß melden
  • To alex

    That people in the argentine forum are chilean and peruvian haters who fight between each other pretending that they are argentines!!I try to make comments there and they (not argentine people at all)tell me liar and say that im not argentine miself!!chileans and peruvians hate each other and they used the argentine forum to fight.Justlanded.com should banned this people of the argentine forums.

    angie 21 Mär 2009, 01:15 - Verstoß melden
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