tired of working hard without improving our quality of life

  • Hello
    I am Karina Gonzalez, an English Teaching student at the PUCV. I am writing you to ask about the possibility of finishing my studies in Canada. So far, I have only see that you offer a series of scholarships and working benefits, but I kind of do not feel identified with any of them.
    I must confess I have always feel attracted to Canada (culture, music, politics, economy, etc), but never found the opportunity to make real the dream of living there. I am married, my husband and I are finishing university (he is studying Agronomy), we are 24 years old, and we have a little daughter of 3 months, who we wish we could give her a better quality of life, which we are sure in Canada we will be able to do. We have always work and study simultaneously, but we do not think we will get to acheive our goals here in Chile, as we could in Canada.

    My question is... Is there a chance for us to study in a university in Canada the career we have studied so far, and have some subjects approved; and work, so that we can get to pay the university, our daughter's school and the basic needs' bills (food, rent, etc).

    Please, we really hope to receive a answer from you

    Karina 29 三月 2009, 04:26 - 举报滥用
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