Finding a job in Holland isn't easy - especially as foreigner. Our job guide provides information about salaries, contracts and working conditions. Look in the classifieds for positions available and post an ad with your details. Chat with other job-seekers in the forums.
Netherlands Guide - Jobs
- Getting started: How to find work in the Netherlands
- Working in the Netherlands: Salaries, working hours and holidays
- The job market: Job chances for foreigners in Holland
- Social security: State health insurance, unemployment and pension
- Employment contracts and labour law: Your rights and responsibilities
- Income tax : How does the tax system work?
Articles - Jobs
- Looking for a job in the Netherlands: Career opportunities
- Finding employment in the Netherlands: How to find a job and where to look
- Pensions: Well-Deserved and Well-Funded
- Labor Productivity: Balancing Work and Leisure
- The "Golden Handshake": What to do with your redundancy package